When I recently purchased a "new to me", but still gently used trailer, I was pleasantly surprised to find out it had a Meritor auto-inflation system.  This little piece of “trailer luxury” was not something I had on my previous used trailer, but was something that I did want in the back of my mind.  What better a tool than an auto-inflation system is there to help increase the longevity and my high-scrub trailer tires?  Although it does help to simplify pretrip inspections and preventative tire maintenance, it most certainly does not mean that tires will be worry-free and negated from such care.
Having heard nothing but good things about these types of systems on trailers, I was more than glad to have one on my new unit to try.  The only hiccup I've noticed along the way had been small leaks on the screw on fitting threads, that were a simple fix, when replacing all the hoses after a new set of eight tires were put on.  This obviously was nothing that a little thread seal tape couldn't handle!  This did clue me in however, to the fact that a new system on the trailer didn't necessarily mean my tires were pretrip-free, but rather that I now required a new type of pretrip on that particular system.  This mentality should always be applied towards all new types of advancements in trucking technology!
Even though the auto-inflation system has worked flawlessly for my application thus far, checking that system for leaks and proper pressures periodically remains at the forefront of my safe operation.  Always make sure your auto-inflation system is inflating to the correct PSI and likewise maintaining the set PSI through all types of weather fluctuations.  Be sure to use your handy spray bottle of soap and water to detect any air leaks as you would on your tractor or trailer brake line fittings as well.  Always remember above all, that a good "auto-anything" is only as good as the care and maintenance given to it by its operator!

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Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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