Although improper driving causes many accidents that happen today, the underlying reasons are often preventable. Last year alone, there were over 500,000 large truck and commercial vehicle accidents. Commercial drivers who are well trained and supported will better understand how to prevent accidents from occurring.
If you look at the top 10 reasons accidents happen, you’ll see that all of them are preventable with proper driver training, adherence to safety programs, and preventative vehicle maintenance.

The Top 10 Reasons Accidents Happen
1.   Failure of truck driver to adhere to or obey the rules of the road
2.   Speeding or unsafe acceleration
3.   Under-inflated tires on big rig trucks
4.   Cargo shifting or improperly loaded commercial trucks
5.   Truck driver fatigue (over-driving without proper rest breaks)
6.   Truck driver substance abuse
7.   Improper braking or deceleration
8.   Poor truck maintenance or shoddy repair work
9.   Vehicular blind spots
10. Careless or reckless driving
Training, safety, and maintenance guidelines must be part of an overall Safety Program that is strictly followed by you or your fleet management company. After all, accidents not only affect others on the road, but they also affect your business and incur significant costs.
Costs of accidents:

  • Injured employees
  • Inventory loss or damage
  • Production delays resulting from just-in-time shipments that are involved in collisions
  • Equipment damage
  • Liability and insurance costs
  • Lost customers and business
  • Negative company image from press related to major incidents

To start, drivers need to know the laws and informal rules that have been developed over time to facilitate an orderly traffic flow, helping make the roads safer and preventing more accidents from happening.
Some of these rules include:

  • Following the speed limit
  • Learning who has the right of way
  • Following the correct use of intersections
  • Using turn signals
  • Following traffic lights and signs

The following article was originally featured on

Comments (2)

Ana Hernandez

Marketing Manager, Digital Content Delivery Ryder System, Inc.


This is a good list. And, I will admit that speed can and often is a critical factor since inertia--the energy the brakes must remove to stop the vehicle--goes up as the square of the speed. Plus reaction time becomes compressed at higher speeds. Nevertheless, we have a simplistic view of highway safety that would do much more to correct problems if we understood that speed can be managed. Speed is OK when conditions are good and you have a generous following distance. It's not OK when you are tailgating, even at 55. A more sophisticated understanding of speed versus other factors would not only help safety, but allow us to travel at higher speeds without crashes.

October 11, 2016 12:14:16 PM

This is a great piece on how to avoid being part of the problem . Rules and limits are all established for a reason . The reason may not seem right however there is a reason .

October 11, 2016 12:02:36 PM