As the temperatures around the country drop, having the wrong fuel in your trucks can put your truck at risk. But being prepared for harsh winter temperatures doesn’t just begin with the fuel you put in your tanks. Proper maintenance of vehicle fuel tanks is an essential part of achieving a trouble-free, lower-cost winter operation.
Most diesel fuel in the U.S. is now Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) and, while ULSD’s lower sulfur content improves our air quality, it also presents some special challenges that need to be addressed when winterizing your fuel to avoid fuel-related problems.

Here are some preventative maintenance measures to improve the operation of diesel-powered vehicles in winter conditions:

  • Fuel Additives: When temperatures drop below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, add a diesel fuel anti-gel additive to your fuel tanks.  Make sure that the additive is approved by the engine manufacturer.
  • Winter Blend: Ensure you have quality winter blended fuel in your tank.
  • Fuel Tank:  Keep your fuel tank half full. Condensation can build up in a near-empty gas tank in extremely cold temperatures, which can cause fuel line freeze-up and no-start conditions.
  • Planning Ahead: Think in terms of where the coldest point the vehicle will travel to and treat fuel/plan accordingly.

At Ryder, through our preventive maintenance solution and the fuel we offer customers, your fleet and drivers will be safe when temperatures drop.
Ryder’s preventative maintenance procedures require all vehicle fuel tank sumps be drained or swept to remove water, as well as other pre-winter maintenance required by Standard Repair Practices.
Ryder fueling locations have also begun preparing their sites to keep your trucks moving all winter long. The proper use of additives, along with good housekeeping of our diesel storage tanks and vehicle saddle tanks allows for a trouble-free, lower-cost winter operation for all customers.
Ryder fueling locations offer a winter blend fuel that contains anti-gel/deicer additives. The fuel, along with preventive maintenance prevents breakdowns and downtime caused by fuel line and filter freeze.

Comments (3)

Ana Hernandez

Marketing Manager, Digital Content Delivery Ryder System, Inc.

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What would you do?

November 21, 2018



Don't fill up in far southern states when you are about to head north into bitter cold weather.

December 03, 2016 16:34:49 PM

Very nice article Ana. Here is a link to an article I wrote back in November of 2013 talking about diesel fuel winterization. It's a nice compliment to your article.

November 28, 2016 8:01:19 AM

For me the best plan is to buy your fuel as far north as possible.

November 28, 2016 5:52:01 AM