About 75,000 trucks and buses across the country will be inspected between June 3-5th this year for Roadcheck. Roadcheck is the largest targeted enforcement program with approximately 17 trucks or buses inspected every minute from Canada to Mexico. CVSA-certified inspectors will conduct compliance, enforcement and educational initiatives. The inspection lasts about 30 minutes and could result in a CSA violation, which is bad for business.

This year Hazmat Trucks will be getting special attention during Roadcheck. 

73,023 trucks and buses were inspected in 2013, but only 22.4% of trucks and 3.9% of drivers were placed out of service. This is a historically low percentage.
So how can drivers be prepared and breeze through Roadcheck 2014? Follow our checklist below and you will decrease your chances of getting inspected and getting a violation if inspected.  
The Team Run Smart Roadcheck Checklist

1) Make sure your truck has had a recent inspection and is in tip-top shape. These components will be inspected:



  • Check for missing, non-functioning, loose, contaminated or cracked parts on the brake system.
  • Check for “S” cam flip-over.
  • Be alert for audible air leaks around brake components and lines.
  • Check that the slack adjusters are the same length (from center of “S” cam to center of clevis pin), and that the air chambers on each axle are the same size.
  • Check brake adjustment.
  • Ensure the air system maintains air pressure between 90 and 100 psi.
  • Measure pushrod travel.
  • Inspect required brake system warning devices, such as ABS malfunction lamps and low air pressure warning devices.
  • Inspect tractor protection system, including the bleed-back system on the trailer.

Tires, wheels, rims, hubs.



  • Check tires for proper inflation, cuts and bulges, re-capped tires on steering axle, tread wear and major tread groove depth.
  • Inspect sidewalls for defects, improper repairs, exposed fabric or cord, contact with any part of the vehicle, and tire markings excluding it from use on a steering axle.
  • Inspect wheels and rims for cracks and broken or missing lugs, or studs. Also check for rims that are cracked or bent, have loose or damaged lug nuts and elongated stud holes, have cracks across spokes or in the web area.
  • Check the hubs for lubricant leaks, missing caps or plugs, misalignment and positioning, and damaged, worn or missing parts.




  • ​Inspect all required lamps for proper color, operation, mounting and visibility.

Every major safety component of the truck



  • Check the safety devices for full trailers/Converter Dolly(s): (chains/wire rope) for sufficient number, missing components, improper repairs, and devices that are incapable of secure attachment.

Proper load securement



  • Make sure you are carrying a safe load.
  • Check both sides of the trailer to ensure cargo is protected from shifting or falling.
  • Verify that rear doors are securely closed.
  • Where load is visible, check for proper blocking and bracing. It may be necessary to examine inside of trailer to assure that large objects are properly secured.
  • Check cargo securement devices for proper number size and condition.
  • Check tie-down anchor points for deformation and cracking.

2) ​Have proof of these documents with you:



  • Commercial driver’s license.
  • Medical examiner's certificate.
  • Record of duty status.     

3) Make sure your truck is neat and clean! A filthy truck with trash on the dash or obviously loose parts bungee corded together is an easy way to get a DOT officer’s attention.  A clean and neat-looking truck just might get a driver a pass while the inspectors are busy seeing what maintenance or safety items the driver of the dirty truck does not seem to care about.

The last thing anyone needs is a citation or to be put out of service for a violation. Plan ahead and Roadcheck 2014 will be a breeze.


Comments (6)

Bill McClusky

I have been in the trucking and construction equipment service industry for 23 years as a service technician, component rebuild specialist (engine, transmission, and axle), service department manager, instructor and consultant. I was a class 8 truck driver for 3 years pulling wet and dry tanks. I have been with American Truck Business Services for 4 years serving as a Business Consultant, Maintenance Consultant, and Instructor.

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Great tips. Thanks.

December 04, 2014 15:52:29 PM

Good for all time not just Blitz. :)

June 06, 2014 15:38:10 PM

good job, good info thank you

June 03, 2014 12:22:42 PM

Good info Bill.

June 02, 2014 19:31:47 PM

Should take delivery on my new truck by 6/3/14 so that will be good my 2002 will pass but I dont even think they will look at a new one.

June 01, 2014 14:03:49 PM


May 31, 2014 20:33:02 PM