Pre-trip inspections are intended to improve your operation's safety and efficiency. With over 25 years experience stunt driving and stunt coordinating semi-trucks, I like to share my knowledge with others in the transportation industry about trucks and safetyWhether you are an owner-operator or a small fleet, a solid pre-trip inspection is critical to ensuring you get the best performance out of your trucks while staying safe.

The video below covers the advantages of a pre-trip inspection including improved highway safety, reducing downtime, increasing productivity and getting on-time load delivery.  I'll provide specific tips on what and how to inspect the tire, wheel and other truck components. Take the next six minutes to watch below to learn the Proper Way to Perform a Pre-Trip Inspection.


Comments (7)

Mike Ryan

Ryan’s unique experience that he’s gained in over more than 25 years of stunt driving and stunt coordination with semi-trucks and automobiles has led him into several ways to share his knowledge with others in an effort to educate people about semi-trucks and safety. Ryan frequently reconstructs accidents, often serving as an expert witness in cases involving traffic collisions. In 1998, he began speaking to drivers in truck fleets on safety and accident avoidance maneuvers for semi-truck drivers.

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The video does not play for me.

August 12, 2016 16:41:21 PM

Excellent job Mike. Thx for putting this together. A great training aid for drivers

May 23, 2013 10:30:52 AM

I learn more and more about safety and maintenance

May 21, 2013 19:42:21 PM

With CSA it is in everyones best interest to do a proper Pre-Trip as those points add up quickly.

May 21, 2013 5:45:08 AM

Very nice video Mike. Thank you.

May 20, 2013 14:02:16 PM

Once I was being recruited by the Safety Dir of a tanker carrier. Prior to the road test, during the pre-trip - I found a cracked rim on one of the drives. The Safety Dir was a bit embarrassed and yelled at the shop to switch it out ASAP. This was a gas/fuel tanker carrier (HM) and they recently had rolled a loaded truck in the nearby mountains. I didn't take that job for some other reason but that day confirmed to me the importance of the pre-trip. I never forgot that importance.

May 20, 2013 10:54:37 AM

Kind of funny how much more attention you pay to your pre-trips when you own your own.

May 20, 2013 7:00:48 AM