*This show was previously recorded. 

Listen to the recording below to hear Brad Williamson and Linda Caffee discuss the importance of industry image and how you can make a difference on the Dave Nemo Show. 

Comments (3)

Brad Williamson

Manager, Engine and Component Marketing Daimler Trucks North America

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A Sign of The Times

September 10, 2014



Thank You guys it was great being on the radio with Brad talking about something we are very passionate about .

June 22, 2014 10:18:56 AM

I agree that image is important, however, the casual manner in which most drivers dress is a reflection of their personality as a driver. It doesn't mean that they are any less of a good driver, just a little more casual. I'll admit that some drivers REALLY need to look at themselves in a mirror before going out in public, but for the most part its ok. I usually wear shorts and a t-shirt, and I've never had a problem with a shipper or consignee when I arrived. I've thought about getting company shirts made up, but I have so any other things to attend to, it takes a back seat.

June 21, 2014 7:45:42 AM

Very nice segment from The Dave Nemo Show. Linda and Brad, you both did a spectacular job!

June 19, 2014 9:14:41 AM