Everybody wants a higher rate of compensation, yet how many of us look into what would differentiate us enough to be worthy of a higher rate.  It is easy to see the differentiating factors between a fast food restaurant and a 5-star dining experience. In either case your stomach gets filled. Another example would come from the automotive industry. Where the same basic model of a vehicle can have packages added to it that escalates the price enormously.  With each package added to a vehicle the price goes up exponentially which also increases the profit margin for the manufacturer.  The same can be said for hotel/motel lodging.  Where the pricing can vary wildly by amenities, location, and service level. 

Here in the trucking industry this differentiating of service is pretty hard to quantify when hauling general freight; dock to dock which requires nothing in the way of special care. For myself I have found ways to differentiate my service over my competition which has always helped my bottom line.

The key here is that you have to create a real or perceived value to the customer you are serving. This can be accomplished by keeping your ears and eyes open to hear what their needs and typical pain points are. If you are able to find an area that solves a problem for your customer which your competition has overlooked you will be able to open the door to increase your value which will lead to the opportunity of improving your rate of compensation.

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Henry Albert

Henry Albert is the owner of Albert Transport, Inc., based in Statesville, NC. Before participating in the "Slice of Life" program, Albert drove a 2001 Freightliner Century Class S/Tâ„¢, and will use his Cascadia for general freight and a dry van trailer. Albert, who has been a trucker since 1983, was recognized by Overdrive as its 2007 Trucker of the Year.

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