Driving a truck across the interstates of America can be a lonely gig. Most spouses and children can’t join you due to school and work commitments. That leaves you to the voices over the radio and the people you meet on your stops to entertain you on long journeys. However, there is someone out there that would love your companionship just as much as you… as long as you love four paws and a tail! Close to 50% of American households have a dog and more than 60% of truck drivers report owning at least one dog. Of those truck drivers, 40% of them report their dog as their main co-pilot in their truck.

Dogs make excellent companions for multiple reasons. They’re loving, loyal, make you feel happier and help you de-stress. There is a reason they are called “man’s best friend” after all. There are thousands of dogs across America looking for forever homes so there is a good chance that your co-pilot is out there waiting for you.

How to Find the Right Dog for You

Check your company’s pet policy

If you’re your own boss then you make the rules, but if you are a company driver then you should check the pet policy. Some companies won’t let you have a pet on the road, while some companies allow you to have a pet under a certain weight. So that Great Dane you’ve been dreaming of might have to stay home with the family. Some companies may also charge you a pet deposit before you can allow your new pet to ride in the truck.

Finding the right four legged co-pilot

Pick the right breed

Picking the right breed of dog for your personality and your lifestyle can make all the difference. Do a little research before you start “shopping” around for a dog. Dogs like Australian Shepherds and Border Collies are working dogs and require a lot of exercise. For a truck driver, these breeds might be too hyperactive for the long drives. A Saint Bernard is probably too large of a dog to comfortably share the front seat with you. Small dogs like a Beagle or Jack Russell might serve as a better option due to their smaller size. Also, a dog with a lot of hair is probably going to shed all over the place.

Check the shelters first

Unless you have severe allergies and need a hypo-allergic breed, check the animal shelters first. Many shelters, especially in the south, are overrun with animals where they have to euthanize the unwanted animals. Most shelter dogs are mutts, but they often make the best dogs. Since many of them are mixed breeds, they tend to have less health issues, such as hip dysplasia, that purebreds tend to have as they age. Shelter dogs deserve a second chance in life so make sure you check one before shelling out a lot of money for a purebred dog from a breeder. 

Give your new friend a test ride

Not every dog is going to love riding in a truck. Start with a few shorter rides to introduce your dog to the truck and the noise. Some dogs who are new to riding in cars and trucks can be anxious or have motion sickness. Is the dog panting a lot and not settling down? Does the dog vomit? Most dogs will outgrow this as they become more use to riding in a vehicle. The ASPCA has a great resource for training dogs for riding in vehicles. There are a few dogs that aren’t meant to be a trucking dog, it’s okay. Most shelters will let you return a dog if it’s not the right fit for you or the dog can just stay home with the family.

Dogs need to be trained to ride in the truck

Once you determine that your new friend enjoys being your co-pilot, then you need to train your dog to handle longer hauls. Inside a truck cab can be a scary place for a dog with various buttons, handles, and brakes. Until your dog is used to the cab, block off areas, such as the clutch and brakes. You don’t want your dog to get stuck on a handle and hurt themselves or cause you to get into an accident. Make sure you keep all medicines, food, and other little things that dogs love to chew out of their reach. Some dogs may move around a lot more than others. If this is the case, for your safety and your dogs, you might want to consider buying your dog a harness seat belt to keep them securely in one place.

Just like with children, you should dog-proof your cab

Dogs, especially puppies and young dogs, love to chew. Keep little objects out of reach of your pet. Be careful with food and trash laying around because they will probably think it’s their lunch. Always keep water available for your dog and watch for signs that your dog may need to go to the bathroom. During the winter months you may carry things such as ice-melt products and anti-freeze in your truck. These products are poisonous to animals so store them out of reach. If your dog does happen to take a lick, make sure to contact a vet right away.

Enjoy your new co-pilot!

Dogs are great co-pilots while on the job and in life. Dogs can help you reduce stress and increase your exercise. Keep a ball or Frisbee in your cab and at rest stops go play on the grass with them. Not only does your dog get to burn off some energy, you can burn off some calories. Several studies found that dogs can also help you be more social and make friends. Who doesn’t love to pet a cute puppy? 

Dogs make excellent co-pilots when you spend most of your life in the driver’s seat. Dogs can keep you company, make you happier, and help you de-stress after a long day of work. Finding the right dog to sit shotgun in your truck cab may be a bit challenging, but now you have all the tools you need to find the right pup for you.

Comments (8)

Sean Bryant

Sean is a graduate of the University of Iowa where he received a Bachelor's of Arts degree in economics. After beginning his career in banking, he found his love for marketing. Before arriving at ATBS in 2014 he spent time working for two different technology startups as well as his own freelance marketing company.

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so wish i could have a doggie co-pilot would be the greatest thing in the world. The company i will be driving for does not allow pets.

April 30, 2015 16:11:04 PM

I would love to have a 4 legged co-pilot but many companies no longer allow dogs because of their insurance or the fact they are leasing the truck from another provider, and the fact it's not easy cleaning a truck after a dog has been in it.

Dogs make great companions... if your company allows one and you can afford the pet deposit, I would recommend one.

January 04, 2015 17:35:10 PM

Rumor has it that in NJ dogs must be secured in cars, this may also apply to trucks. And if there is the possibility of being dispatched into Canada, you need to have all shots and the dogs paperwork current and with you.

January 01, 2015 19:31:57 PM

Check with your company policies first before adding a pet to the truck. There are many shippers and receivers that do not allow any pets on the property and this does not matter if you own the truck or not. When we traveled with Molly there were times when I had to sit out side a nuclear plant or chemical plant while Bob when inside to deliver the load if I were a solo not sure how this would be handled. Having a pet in the truck can be very beneficial and also stressful. In the summer and the winter you need to consider when you are away from the truck and cannot idle how will the pet stay cool or warm. If you run coast to coast the pet must be vaccinated for all areas of the country, a good heart worm medicine, and also a flea and tick program needs to be followed year around. Another consideration is water as water in all areas of the country tastes different and some dogs will quit drinking. Think long and hard before deciding to have a pet they can be your very best friend or they can make your life miserable. Having a pet is a big responsibility and you are their whole life 24 hours a day all year long.

January 01, 2015 7:37:44 AM

Jack was a shelter dog and he spent almost 12 years on the road with me. Be careful about having your dog off leash while on the road. Make sure that you train the dog well. We see a lot of strays around truck stops. I often wonder if they were dogs - who took off while off leash - at least put your cell number on the dog.

January 01, 2015 7:04:17 AM

A Four Legged Co-Pilot just might be the ticket for some drivers to get up, get out, and move. Not to mention they are great company while out on the road. Pets can have many therapeutic benefits like lowering your blood pressure as well.

December 31, 2014 17:17:17 PM

A Four Legged Co-Pilot just might be the ticket for some drivers to get up, get out, and move. Not to mention they are great company while out on the road. Pets can have many therapeutic benefits like lowering your blood pressure as well.

December 31, 2014 17:17:10 PM

A Four Legged Co-Pilot just might be the ticket for some drivers to get up, get out, and move. Not to mention they are great company while out on the road. Pets can have many therapeutic benefits like lowering your blood pressure as well.

December 31, 2014 17:16:56 PM