Calling the shipper or receiver often solves our parking problem. This past week we had it happen both ways.
- We drove to South San Francisco early in the morning for a pickup and found that we could have easily spent the night at the shipper. Due to the time we received the load we did not have the option of calling the shipper to ask this question.
- Delivering in Kansas City, MO we called the receiver and asked about the hours they are open. We found out we would be there to late in the day to deliver and asked about spending the night at their facility and were told no problem, we were also told what dock to back into. Works out great for them as well as us.
As a team our hours are usually much more flexible then a solo and as such starting our clock to drive to a customer does not usually harm our income stream. Driving in rush hour traffic when not needed is really frustrating. Either way it sure is a lot less stress to not have to drive in rush hour traffic to make a pickup or delivery on time. If possible call ahead and see if you can park at the customers facility and save yourself the rush hour blues.