Being that I witness many people throughout the day here in the area I operate in with a blatant disregard for basic road markings, I figured it would be a good time for all of us to review.  I myself have even fallen victim to not knowing that I couldn’t exit the carpool lane when I did many years ago and got a ticket for crossing the yellow line in my personal vehicle. 
The markings we encounter most frequently out there are as follows:
Double Solid Yellow – separates traffic moving in opposite directions.  Illegal to pass at any time!

Broken Yellow – Separates traffic moving in opposite directs as well, but is legal to pass when  safe to do so.
Single Solid Yellow – separates opposing traffic but is usually not recommended for passing.  On divided highways, this yellow line should always be to your left.
Solid Yellow with Broken Yellow on One Side – Separates opposing traffic and passing is only allowed from the side with the broken yellow lines, when safe to do so.
Solid White – Separates traffic moving in same direction.  It is illegal to change lanes over this unless it is to avoid a hazard.
Broken White – Separates traffic moving in the same direction. It is legal to change lanes over these, when safe to do so.
Thick Broken White – Lane is going to end (lane status change).  Such is the case when you are losing a lane and must merge or a lane exits ahead.
Double Solid White - Separates traffic moving in the same direction.  It is illegal to cross over at any time.
Diamond on the Roadway – This alerts of a special lane restriction, such as a carpool lane or bus lane.
Remember that each line has a special meaning and was designed to make highway and street travel safer for everyone.  Do not break the intention of the markings just because no one is around to see you do it and you are in a hurry.  The point is to make sure you follow these markings for your own safety and the safety of the rest of the motoring public.  Even though a lot of those around us do not know how to follow these signs of the road, that just gives all the more reason for us professional drivers to lead by example!

Comments (4)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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My friend got a ticket recently because of turning left over a Double Solid Yellow line! Another good thing to remember. :) Thanks for the reminder, Jimmy!

June 19, 2014 15:06:40 PM

That is an excellent point Linda. Having been to a few very foreign countries, I can say they do differ from that which we encounter on a daily basis. For most of us it is amazing how it is just second nature!

June 14, 2014 19:42:54 PM

I think of this every time some one passes me on an on ramp.

June 12, 2014 5:10:08 AM

Jimmy do you think people from other countries know these road markings? Our Trucker Buddy Teacher was teaching a section on road signs and as I was taking pictures of our signs for her I was in awe of how many signs we have that we follow without even thinking of them.

June 12, 2014 4:31:04 AM