The last safety measurement system we had was a classic example of bureaucracy in action. The system punished drivers for warnings that we could not contest. To the system an accident was an accident - no matter the cause or the preventability. "They" said" that it would average out. It clearly showed the bureaucrats lack of understanding how this industry operates and often had no impact on safety.

It is time to put someone in charge who understands the industry. Bad record keeping does not average out for the company with 5 trucks, The mega carriers in this industry represent a tiny percentage of the trucks and drivers on the road. Does government understand that? It is time to reward carriers with low turnover rates. It is time to to install a professional who has driven this industry in charge of it.

Comments (2)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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Most professional drivers are good at it because of their professional attitude. I absolutely agree that the vast majority of us would drown in the beltway environment. There are over 3,000,000 of us. We are a diverse group. Hopefully, there are more than 10,000 of us that could handle the transition not just to leadership roles in the government, but the private sector as well.

July 05, 2016 3:04:32 AM

It would be an interesting change from enforcement dominate to professional driver leadership. However, what driver wants to give up driving to endure Washington beltway politics?

July 04, 2016 16:24:45 PM