

Henry Albert wrote a blog “Look Up” about a driver who hit an overhead phone line with his truck. He hit the line and we felt bad. He was not driving fast or recklessly. There were other trucks parked right next to where he parked and they cleared the wire. As a matter of fact, his truck cleared the wire and his trailer caught it. It could happen to any of us and it has happened to me. It was 1988 or 1989 and I had passed the building that I had been looking for. There was a municipal utility lot next door and I turned around there. I saw the lines and I asked one of the city workers if I would clear it. He said yes, plenty of room. I did not clear it. I was going very slowly and the only thing that happened was that the wires were pulled slightly from the building 4 lag screws would have to be tightened up. I apologized and the worker said no-that it was his fault and they head an electrician there that could fix it in 5 minutes anyway. We shook hands and I left.


I was more fortunate than the driver who hit the wires at the event. One light standard, got knocked over and two poles were snapped. Fortunately none of the trucks were damaged. I was about 100 feet away when it happened showing off the inside of my Cascadia Evolution. Henry came over and told us what happened and how loud it was. We never even heard it. If there is a testament to how quiet my interior is, that is it.


Most of the drivers offered words of support and encouragement to the driver. I can't say that I may not have done the same thing in his circumstance. Henry and I parked in a different area where the lines were plenty high. Like most events we were busy from the moment that we arrived and did not survey the grounds. Some of the non Freightliner event people were not as kind. I was disappointed to hear one of the promoters use language that I would not use here to one of the speedway officials. I spoke with the speedway official too. I spoke several times with the driver and tried to defend him to the non truckers.


Like many accidents and incidents this one could have been prevented several times along the way. The line was an unused phone line that the speedway would have liked to have taken down. The phone company wanted it left up, just in case someone might someday build way back there. The speedway knew for months that trucks would be parking beneath that line and never made sure that it was high enough. It was a campground and I am not sure that some of those campers aren't higher than we are. Maybe I should have found the time to survey the area. In the end though it does come down to drivers' responsibility.


I started thinking about it. Drivers were compassionate to their fellow driver. That made me feel better. Then I started thinking about drivers that sit there and watch fellow drivers back into tight spots and don't get up to help spot. I think about the drivers who do get up to spot. That is the compassionate thing to do. Maybe true compassion can prevent accidents like this.


Comments (3)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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On the good side I met up with a nice driver the other day. He said that he was Canadian. He had that British/African accent that many of the Kenyan marathoners that I have met had. Although every once in a while that distinctly Canadian "EH" would come out. He was new to the industry and I helped teach him how to hit an angle dock. He told me that truckers were all so nice to him and so many had helped him over his first 3 months. That made my day.

July 20, 2014 8:26:36 AM

Add the term " get out and help " to the already well used " get out and look " slogan !

July 20, 2014 8:07:37 AM

You're so right about helping out your fellow trucking associate. Because at the end of the day we're all in this together. Lend a hand receive a hand...just saying! !

That's right help your fellow trucking associate, lend a hand receive a hand.....just saying! !!

July 19, 2014 15:52:48 PM