This is our tenth year of attending the Expedite Expo, we started out as newbies and are now workshop presenters. 
The first Expedite Expo was held in 2001 in Woodhaven, MI at the Detroiter Travel Center.  In front parking lot was a large tent that housed many of the vendors with a few more vendors sprinkled around the parameter. 
We attended our first Expedite Expo in 2004 while we were researching joining the Expedite ranks.  This was a well planned adventure as we flew to Detroit from SW Kansas, spent two days in a hotel, rented a car, came prepared to take notes, and ask a lot of questions.  
We approached this endeavor in earnest.  We were dressed professionally; I had my notebook, pencils, and business cards ready.  The Detroiter was a site to behold, large tent, working expedite trucks entered in the truck beauty contest, lots of drivers wandering around, recruiters, and vendors.  The Expedite Expo a perfect place to research a life-changing career. 
Our first mission was to talk with recruiters, then to the truck beauty show to talk with driver.  The soles of our shoes were almost worn off from walking between drivers and recruiters.  The truck vendors were also visited as we were planning on purchasing our first truck.  Next we visited with vendors to learn what all was needed in a well-stocked expedited straight truck.
The clock was watched as there were several workshops going on inside the Detroiter.  Two of the workshops we did not want to miss were; Heath Woods of Middle Georgia Freightliner "Truck Maintenance" and the other by then O/O Terry O'Connell "What Expediting and what Expediting is Not".  Both set on the right path to purchase our first truck and to start on the right foot in expediting.  Our thanks go out to both of these guys and we continue to thank them to this day. 
Now we are approaching out 10th consecutive Expedite Expo and we will be the ones showing our truck.  We will be available to answer questions about the Cascadia and Expediting.   The Caffcadia will be opened as well as the Bolt Custom Truck sleeper.  The back of the truck will also be open to show what freight moving equipment we carry. 
This will be Henry Albert's 5th Expedite Expo and he will be showing his 2014 Cascadia Evolution featuring the DT12 transmission.  He will be available to answer questions about his truck, trailer, and also his operation.  Last year I looked over to see Henry kneeled down with a group of Amish men and boys looking at the undercarriage of his aerodynamic trailer and then going on to look at the rest of his aerodynamics. I wondered at the time if they were going to all go back and aero up their buggies.
This year included with the Expedite Expo is the Road Gorilla Trucking Expo that will include a lot of information for those interested in entering the truckload carrier industry.  The combination of expediters and truckload carriers will prove a one-stop shop for those interested in entering the trucking industry.
Henry and I will once again be hosting a workshop on Saturday called "Everything you wanted to know about trucking".   We usually have a group of diversified drivers to help with this workshop as we have answered questions from how to keep the carpets in our trucks clean to explaining fuel surcharge.  The discussion is always lively and the workshop has often run through the lunch hour.  We hope to see you there.

Comments (2)

Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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This year Jeff the show is not limited to Expediting which will be a huge change and will make the show bigger and better then ever. I hope you sill stop by and see us once again!

July 02, 2013 4:21:30 AM

I definitely enjoyed myself at the one Expedite Expo that I attended. It was great to learn about a different segment of the industry. It definitely is not for me-but it is a great option for a lot of people-especially married teams.

July 01, 2013 22:13:38 PM