When we're out on the road maneuvering through big cities and small towns, I suspect most drivers don't think too much of the footprint they're leaving behind.  I never considered it early in my career, but I've since spent some time in areas where trucks frequent and I didn't like what I saw and subsequently changed my perspective. 

I recently saw this bumper sticker in my home state of Virginia and decided to investigate a little. The sticker is from a private conservation group that is concerned about truck traffic and many other things through their beautiful county that spans the Shenandoah Valley and the Blue Ridge Mountains.  If you operate in the Northeast, you know I-81 is one of the busiest roads in the country as major east-west interstates feed into it and send all those trucks in to supply the densely populated region.  However, if you don't live there, you might not understand the citizens fear of going on the interstate due to heavy truck traffic, not to mention litter, noise, pollution, etc. Please be considerate of these areas as it's more than an artery to get from point A to point B to the people that build their lives there.

I've often seen the "No Jake Brake" signs in towns and on interstates that parallel neighborhoods.  I used to get offended by that until I spent some time in an area that was near a small hill where trucks used their jakes all day and all night long.  It wasn't a mountain pass, but an area where engine braking was more of a convenience.  The constant noise really grated on my nerves after only an hour.  I couldn't imagine hearing it all the time. 

Another sign I recently noticed was from a church just past an industrial park.  They had to put up a sign that stated, "PLEASE, no truck turn around."  The trucks would constantly miss their turns into the industrial park and go up to the church parking lot, turn around thus destroying the soft asphalt that was never meant for large trucks. 

Please be considerate when operating trucks in these communities because people have to live there after we're gone. 

Comments (6)

Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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BOL = $$$

February 12, 2014

LIVE Smart


We need to do our best not to be noticed. Jake brakes, straight stacks,bring unwanted attention to us. Then at the truck shows we have a contest to see who has the loudest Jake Brake . Hmmmm I wonder why people don't listen to that noise all day and night .

July 20, 2013 5:44:34 AM

Wow Jimmy. I'm sure the locals just shake their heads in amazement!

July 18, 2013 18:45:35 PM

I see a lot of the "no turn around" signs here in California as well. These maneuvers can sometimes cause other damage such as the case at one customer of mine just a couple months ago. I was waiting my turn to enter the facility out of the way of the guard shack and a truck pulled straight up to the gate. I knew because of this that he had never been there, since regulars know that you pull to the curb then walk up to check in. Once he found out it was the wrong facility, he u-turned and the trailer swing from his tail ripped a fire hydrant right off the pipe, giving us all an "Old Faithful" geyser show for about a half hour until the main was turned off. Courtesy and a little common sense go a long way in these big trucks!

July 18, 2013 16:52:45 PM

Thanks Craig and Jeff. I'm positive that I'm preaching to the choir on this subject.

July 18, 2013 12:21:50 PM

Very good article Joey. When we are on fires they are always reminding everyone at the morning briefing to be aware that we are visitors in the area and that people live here and we don't want to damage or destroy their property. The people living nearby are always very happy to see us, but at the same time we don't want to wear out our welcome.

July 18, 2013 7:47:08 AM

Absolutely-If you can't leave a place better or cleaner than you found it at least do no harm. We are privileged to have some large grocery stores let us park there. If you can round up a few carts and corral them. If you see trash in that area pick it up.

July 18, 2013 6:25:50 AM