In 2015 we ran a total of 109,564 miles and spent $19,939.33 dollars on fuel.
Here are some of our facts for the year of 2015:
Fuel Mileage in 2015 - 12.22
Cost per mile for fuel - .182
Weight of all loads - 225023
Ave load weight - 2,679
Any load weighing over 1500 lbs we put our lift axle down.  We hauled 84 loads and 50 of these loads were less than 1500 lbs. 
Our dead head miles were 34112 and we had the lift axle lifted for all of these miles
We had six loads that required our lift gate, but we used our lift gate more often for our own convenience.
Forty-Seven of our loads required special services or were Hazmat loads that did not require a lift gate.
Our Cascadia was one of the featured trucks on the NBC Nightly News
Entered into two truck shows and was in the main exhibit area of the Expedite Expo
Bolt Custom Trucks Flirt Skirts were finished and installed.
Life - To - Date DDEC or Engine report also has many interesting statistics
Mileage on the Cascadia 157605
Lifetime Fuel Mileage Average of 12.28 - Notice how close the DDEC is to actual odometer readings
DEF MPG - 455.51
Idle Time - 3.81%
Average Speed 52.25 mph




The Cascadia goes easily from Show Truck to Work Truck




Comments (7)

Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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How Henry Got to 10 MPG

July 18, 2017




In the type of operation we have our numbers are very good.

January 05, 2016 4:47:15 AM

It's very interesting to see the year end totals you are willing to share.

January 04, 2016 8:46:27 AM

Great numbers!

January 03, 2016 18:27:54 PM

Neat FACTS! No matter, how you put it, your doing something right!

January 03, 2016 15:31:03 PM

Keeping historical data of our business is what assists us in keeping profitable in the future.

January 03, 2016 7:13:57 AM

Good article on the business side of trucking.

January 02, 2016 17:11:36 PM

It is interesting - how you follow the process. Keep the load factor down (progressive throttling) and the idle time down - and the results will follow. My lifetime is a "paltry" 8.3. When you compare me with like operations and equipment - I usually am usually at least .7 mpg better. That is what following the process does - drive it right and it will reward you.

January 02, 2016 7:25:27 AM