During the beginning of a new year, it is obvious that some things might be expiring or might be in need of updating.  When changing out your calendar, you might want to give a quick cleaning to your cab and  look around the truck to see if some of your less obvious items might need replacement.  I like to take this time in the beginning of every year to do a quick “shake down” of everything in my truck and get rid of what is either expired or not needed.  Yes, that includes the recently expired tub of sour gummy worms…dang it!
All kidding aside, there are truly some really important things to consider in this list of items.  Of course most of us will need to affix our new IFTA stickers on January 1st, but everyone should also check their permit books for expired permits, insurances, and make sure your cab card is up-to-date!  Even if only a few things are expired, or getting ready to, it is a good time to take note of when everything else will need updating throughout the upcoming months on the calendar.  Safety equipment is another category I check on, being sure not to leave out replacing batteries in flashlights and making sure my fire extinguishers are in top condition.  Of course winter items are something that should have already been checked back in October or November, but it never hurts to make sure all is still in order with things such as your tire chains, bags of kitty litter, and your trusty shovel.  These are things you definitely don’t want failing when you need them most!
I am not one for “Spring Cleaning”, as I feel one good cleaning per year is not quite often enough.  Instead I like to give at least one good cleaning per season with a little bit of upkeep in between.  Planning ahead for what is to come in terms of expiring items and worn out gear make my life easier in the long run, aloowing me to do my job as a professional driver and not sweat the rest of the stuff in between.  Be sure to go through your safety gear, important documents, and other expiring items to clear the clutter and help better ensure you are able to keep the wheels turning.  All it takes is one expired permit or inspection in the eyes of the law to throw a wrench in your day…and your profitability!  These are just some of the things I do in my operation to prepare for the New Year and some of the more common items to check on.  What are some things you might check while cleaning out this time of year that may be a little more unique to your operation?

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Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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Checking the permit book often to make sure all permits are up to date is a good idea. Much easier to find out a permit has expired on your own and not have an officer of the law tell you about it!

January 13, 2015 6:29:48 AM