While off for the holiday, I was reading some industry news and came across some articles having to do with the new hours of service rules. I read that many drivers seem unhappy with the FMCSA and their latest HOS rules.

I was reflecting on the many comments I heard during the listening sessions prior to these rulings. I remember hearing drivers complain that their carriers were forcing them to drive eleven hours straight with no break. They also spoke of carriers forcing them to use multiple thirty four hour restart provisions to maximize productivity. Also, another complaint was that drivers would get home at the wee hours of the morning and be expected to leave back out thirty four hours later. They claimed this didn’t leave much time to visit the family or get restorative rest for the body.

I remember discussing with another driver that if we ever have these issues resolved that I bet there will be lots of unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

As it turns out, the issues were heard loud and clear to the FMCSA. Each of these issues was easy to fix. Driver’s complained that they were forced to drive eleven hours without a break. Simple solution: You must take a 30 minute break prior to reaching your eighth hour of on duty or driving.

Drivers complained that the thirty four hour restart provision was simply being used as a productivity aid by using it multiple times in a week. Simple solution: Now you can only use the restart provision once every 168 hours to the hour. (7 days)

Drivers were upset with getting home at (example) 2:00am and being expected to be back out on the road thirty four hours later. Simple solution: A thirty four hour restart now has to have two 1:00am-5:00am periods within the thirty four hour restart.

For all those who complained back then that “they don’t listen to us” need to realize that they really were listening. This leads me to my next thought which is “we might want to be careful for what we ask for because we just might get it.”


Comments (4)

Henry Albert

Henry Albert is the owner of Albert Transport, Inc., based in Statesville, NC. Before participating in the "Slice of Life" program, Albert drove a 2001 Freightliner Century Class S/Tâ„¢, and will use his Cascadia for general freight and a dry van trailer. Albert, who has been a trucker since 1983, was recognized by Overdrive as its 2007 Trucker of the Year.

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Being a driver for 17 years, I do understand why drivers asked for the changes. But way back in the days when I first started driving, you had no choice. Either you worked accordingly to your company's rules, or you're out. So I got used to driving 16 hours nonstop on a daily basis. And see my family Saterday morning and leave again on Sunday morning for the week. Ask me to pull over and " rest " for an hour, and I'll go nuts. Tell me to sit at home for 2 days, and I'll go mad ! I think with the times, drivers got used to working at a certain pace. Some drivers just have a higher and faster pace than others. Greetings from South - Africa.

January 09, 2014 23:18:39 PM

It is impossible to please everyone and all we can hope for it to please the majority. Flexibility is the key. The O/O's that can adjust on the fly will most likely be successful. Getting stuck in our ways and complaining about everything will lead those carriers and O/O's that can't adapt quickly to leave the industry.

January 06, 2014 8:39:38 AM

I agree FMCSA listened to the drivers who wanted the ability to pull over and take a nap if needed.... I listened to the drivers who drive 11 hours straight through that need a break... Compared to what I thought was going to happen the 1/2 break was very considerate.

January 06, 2014 6:14:37 AM

I went to a listening session at MATS. AND yes those were the complaints that I heard. I have always been one of those drivers that worked as hard as I could and almost snickered at those asking for the changes. Oh well, I have figured out how to work with them.

January 06, 2014 4:59:29 AM