Lately the topic of EOBR’s has been front and center throughout our industry. Over the weekend, I was reading a magazine and noticed they are changing to some interesting alternative names for this device. Some are as follows: E-Logs, Electronic logs and ELD’S (Electronic logging device.) It’s as if a new name will change our perception of this technology.
My opinion on this subject varies. I can see where many drivers have reservations about EOBR’s for the reason of privacy. Also, there are some benefits as it would force carriers to address wasted time.
From what I understand, the purpose of using these electronic devices is to record (HOS) hours of service. As far as our government is concerned, it shouldn’t matter “where” we put our “hours” in. All that should matter is “how many” hours we worked per day, week etc… after all, it’s a “HOS” rule, not a (POS) place of service rule. I understand why paper logs require you to list where and when in order to recreate the accuracy of your log entries. The only way the “place” should matter if you’re recording the hours electronically would be if the HOS were different in various locations of the country. The last time I checked, all trucks conducting interstate travel record with the same HOS rules.
While reading over (Map-21) which is the short term highway funding bill. This acronym stands for Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (H.R 4348) Included in the new highway bill is a provision that mandates ELD’s in commercial motor vehicles. The provision tasks the Department of Transportation (DOT), with issuing regulations to require the use of ELD’s for the purpose of recording the HOS of service in CMV’s. General provisions of Map 21 require the ELD to accurately record commercial drivers HOS, as well as the GPS location of a CMV.
As I read through this information, it occurred to me that they seem as interested in the POS as well as HOS. I began’ to think if it’s about hours then place shouldn’t be a concern. No matter what state you’re in, 11 is 11 and 14 hours is 14 hours and place is irrelevant. If you’re recording hours electronically, it would seem to me that place is no longer part of the equation as it was with paper logs. The need to recreate a log book disappears the moment you record time electronically
I understand why a carrier may want to know the GPS location of “their” equipment. After all… it’s their right. If I had a fleet of trucks, I too would want to know their location. However, with a very small or one truck operation, I see no need or benefit of sending a signal to my office to let “myself” know of my own whereabouts.
Maybe if the DOT and Congress were only interested in the “hours”, more carriers would find ELD’s less intrusive in relation to their rights of privacy.