To be able to improve any aspect of a business you first have to be able to measure and analyze the data to ensure you are moving in the right direction.  For the last six months I have been using a device called Pedal Coach from Linkedrive to analyze data daily to improve my fuel efficiancy.

Below I am displaying the data that can be analyzed from any given day.  The day I have chosen to display for your viewing included a trip through the West Virginia mountains with a GVCW of approximately 73,000 lbs.  This particular trip also included a detour off of I-77 onto the more primitive US Route 52.  Let’s go through this day step by step.

From Linkedrive web site: A real-time in cab coaching tool focused on improving driver behavior using Pedal Coach from Linkedrive.


This is simply backing into the dock at the start of the day to deliver in Charlotte, NC

During this segment I drove New Blue with an empty trailer to Cleveland, NC to pickup my shipment. There was some construction traffic encountered on I-77 along the way. 


These two graphs include a yard move at my pickup point and a stop to procure a cup of coffee before embarking on my trip up I-77 

On this section of the trip I drove up I-77 over Fancy Gap, encountered the detour onto US 52 with a stopping point at the last West Virginia Turnpike service area for my mandatory break. 

Finished my trip through West Virginia and stopped to stretch my legs, restroom break, and a fresh cup of coffee. 

This section was US 33, I-270, and US 23 where I stopped to restock my refrigerator and pantry with groceries for the week. 

This is the last section of my day.  Traffic was fairly light.  I planned on stopping at an area sooner, however I saw that I had enough time to make it to my plan B stopping point with two minutes to spare on my allowable HOS Duty time. 


I felt as though I extracted the most out of the day for this type of run.  The performance of the Detroit Integrated Power Train in my Cascadia Aero X performed admirably for the terrain encoumterd on this given day. 





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Henry Albert

Henry Albert is the owner of Albert Transport, Inc., based in Statesville, NC. Before participating in the "Slice of Life" program, Albert drove a 2001 Freightliner Century Class S/T™, and will use his Cascadia for general freight and a dry van trailer. Albert, who has been a trucker since 1983, was recognized by Overdrive as its 2007 Trucker of the Year.