Recently I met with a few carriers at the request of my local dealership.  I find it incredible that many of the features offered in today's trucks are not being utilized to their full benefit. And in some cases, they are not being utilized at all.  If you aren’t familiar with acronyms such as AMT, CMS, ATC, IPM, or terms like creep mode, creep mode aborted, cresting, or e-coast it will benefit you greatly to get the Freightliner Smart Source App.

There are short training videos that cover all the features I have mentioned in the above paragraph.  You may be surprised how well these features work when they are used for their intended purpose.

In my day-to-day travels, I come across many good professional drivers who have gotten into a fight with the technology in their truck.  Typically, after a little conversation and a few trainings from the Freightliner Smart Source App, they find the answer to the problems they were experiencing.

Today's modern trucks are technological marvels that can be quite frustrating to operate if you aren’t aware of how the different systems operate.  Nearly every driver that I have had the opportunity to have a follow-up conversation with has told me that learning the features has made their truck a joy to drive.  A large percentage of these same drivers have found driving techniques that enhanced the objectives of many of the safety and performance systems in today's trucks.

The best part of the Freightliner Smart Source App is the feature that allows you to enter the last six digits of your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) which provides training materials specifically for that exact truck.  I really like being able to have the training material focused on each individual VIN because many trucks are ordered with different features that require different levels of knowledge and/or driving techniques.  No longer do you have to read or watch videos that do not pertain to the truck which you are operating.

Save time, energy, aggravations, and get the most out of your truck by using this app to maximize your return on investment.  If you’re a company driver, I still encourage you to utilize the Freightliner Smart Source App if for no other reason than to make your driving experience less stressful and more enjoyable.

Check it out! You will NOT be disappointed!

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Henry Albert

Henry Albert is the owner of Albert Transport, Inc., based in Statesville, NC. Before participating in the "Slice of Life" program, Albert drove a 2001 Freightliner Century Class S/T™, and will use his Cascadia for general freight and a dry van trailer. Albert, who has been a trucker since 1983, was recognized by Overdrive as its 2007 Trucker of the Year.

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