59-(1).pngHaving received my envelope from the department of motor vehicles apportioned plate division for my registration due next month on the trucks, everything seemed “business as usual” for this year‘s renewal.  Of course there was the usual state-by-state mileage recap form and schedule of trucks on my International Registration Plan (IRP) account, but slipped in with all of those plain white pages, was a new bright yellow paper. Upon reading, it seemed that the topic of some articles I had read last year and shared a few times was coming true. This form  provided authorization to the DMV to remove any vehicle from my IRP that did not meet the new model-year annual phase out schedule for trucks registered in the state of California (see schedule below).

Not having any trucks in the fleet old enough to apply in this situation, I signed the form and checked the box that gave authorization to remove any that they found were old enough. I would imagine this might come as a shock to some truck owners who have not been keeping up on this though, as the letter also states that if you do not fill out this form and have applicable trucks, your IRP renewal will be held up. The DMV will be checking with CARB on any of the applicable trucks and if not compliant, the rucks will be denied registration renewal.  

For many truck owners who for years took a chance operating against the CARB emission laws with little fear of being caught due to a lack of enforcement, the time has come to ultimately “pay the piper”.  With thousands of trucks estimated to be in the crosshairs, it is in the best interest of those affected to seek replacement vehicles prior to finding out with a letter that your renewal has been denied.  

For more on the issue and to see if your truck might be subject to the details of this rule, check out these pages below to further aid in determining if you might be affected by the new enforcement.

California Department of Motor Vehicles information page at https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/mcs/dieselcomp,

 California Air Resource Board’s information at https://ww3.arb.ca.gov/msprog/truckstop/pdfs/sb1_faqeng.pdf.  

There is even a video put together at https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&feature=emb_title&v=q1zfQAMMMm0 


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Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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