It seems like the basics of highway travel have been largely forgotten.
In fact, most drivers are doing the right thing but since we spend many hours of the day driving the major highways and roads across the country we often notice the drivers that choose to do the wrong thing and cause chaos to the traffic flow.
Here are a few of my rules that seem to match the rules of the roadway.
- Lanes
- The left lane is for passing
- The middle lane is for passing people in the right lane
- The right lane is for the slowest vehicle
- Solid line – don’t switch lanes
- Move over or slow for emergency vehicles
- Right on red after stopping except for when there is a yield sign or no right turn on red
- The yield sign is for vehicles entering the interstate, not for the interstate vehicles
- Pass on the left, not on the right
- Use turn signals when switching lanes or turning
The view out the windshield shows these basics seem to have been forgotten. Hopefully, these reminders can help drivers get back to following the rules of the road.