We made the decision to stay away from home and trucking for up to three months before going home so we can stay home longer.  Ideas to take care of the mail and the house when away from home.  Our oldest daughter lives at our house and that works out great for all of us.  We know that the house and mail is taken care of and so while away from the house we have peace of mind.  We downsized our possessions so that we have less to maintain, when we go home we first take care of the truck and then we have time to have fun and relax before going back to work.

Comments (3)

Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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Flexing My "Carrier Muscles"

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It Can't Hurt

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Thank You guys now to work on next years videos! I am thinking along the lines of short one with tips on how I do and track certain things. Bob is also working on some more how to videos.

December 27, 2016 19:15:48 PM

Another great job Linda and Bob!

December 27, 2016 12:16:20 PM

I can't believe it's the end of a great video series already. You two did a great job and I really enjoyed the videos. Thank you!

December 27, 2016 7:56:39 AM