'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the lot.
Not a creature was stirring and there were no open spots.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
Home is where I should be, but I would not be able to make it there.
Time to get cozy and nestle up snug in my bed,
To let visions of the open road run through my head.
After driving hours and hours across the good old map,
It's time to lie down for a well-deserved nap.
Tomorrow's a new day to make tracks through the snow,
That kept me from getting where I wanted to go.
Home for the holidays would have been nice for a change of pace,
But Instead I'm stuck out here trying to make it home safe, instead of winning a race.
Hope the family can remember, though I am late for the holiday, that I hold them most dear,
Which is the reason I have to wait until this nasty weather clears.
Though I'm stuck in the truck for Christmas tomorrow,
Do not shed for me your tears of sorrow.
This is the profession I chose and it requires personal sacrifice.
So for me being late, loving family and leftovers will more than suffice.
Santa will come whether I am home or not,
So worry not about the holiday gifts for our little tot.
One day she'll grow up and be proud to say,
"My daddy delivers YOUR Christmas, which is why he can't be here with us today!"
Though I am out here this night before Christmas pulling the long haul for the next day and night,
I still want to wish "A happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"