Missing Truck Driver Alert Network
Imagine if your family could not find you. Researching this story I have read about drivers missing for weeks or months at a time. Often they are found too late. Yes, it is horrible to have a trucker die in his truck. It is made worse when the family can't find him or her for days, weeks, or even months.
The Missing Truck Driver Alert Network was started in February 2012. A trucker's wife Jonda Williams called her friends Kari and Lee Fisher. Her husband (Mark) was missing. Kari went to work getting the word out to truckers to look for. They found him through these efforts. Mark had passed away in his truck. At least he was found and his family knew.
We see a lot of complaining about how truckers don't help each other like “back in the day”. That is exactly
what the network is. It is truckers helping truckers under the most dire circumstances. Kari just has put modern technology to work. I am an admirer of Kari and her work. She cares. She thinks. She has taken action.
If you are missing someone call 1-855-696-8326. That starts a chain of action. You will get a call back. The trucking company and law enforcement agencies will be contacted. There is an effective from that is used. A picture of the driver and the rig can be posted. The form includes practical things. Where was the driver last heard from? Is that driver under a load? Is there a load with a missed pick up-where? Where did the deadhead start? What route was going to be used? That gives an idea of where to look. It also gets posted on facebook. The facebook page has over 7,600 members and 17,000 likes.
That is just a start. From there members share the information on their own pages. They will get an alert with a downloadable phone app. When I see it on my page, the first thing that I do is look it over. Will this truck and driver and I cross paths? If so I will take note of the truck description-company-ICC number-truck number. I will definitely keep an eye out. I will also share it.
Start helping go to their website and www.missingtruckdriver.org
. Follow them on twitter. Like them or become a member on face book. I wish that there was no need for this organization- sadly, there is. I am thankful that Kari has taken action and I hope that we all help.
Thanks, Jeff