Missing Truck Driver Alert Network


Imagine if your family could not find you. Researching this story I have read about drivers missing for weeks or months at a time. Often they are found too late. Yes, it is horrible to have a trucker die in his truck. It is made worse when the family can't find him or her for days, weeks, or even months.


The Missing Truck Driver Alert Network was started in February 2012. A trucker's wife Jonda Williams called her friends Kari and Lee Fisher. Her husband (Mark) was missing. Kari went to work getting the word out to truckers to look for. They found him through these efforts. Mark had passed away in his truck. At least he was found and his family knew.


We see a lot of complaining about how truckers don't help each other like “back in the day”. That is exactly what the network is. It is truckers helping truckers under the most dire circumstances. Kari just has put modern technology to work. I am an admirer of Kari and her work. She cares. She thinks. She has taken action.


If you are missing someone call 1-855-696-8326. That starts a chain of action. You will get a call back. The trucking company and law enforcement agencies will be contacted. There is an effective from that is used. A picture of the driver and the rig can be posted. The form includes practical things. Where was the driver last heard from? Is that driver under a load? Is there a load with a missed pick up-where? Where did the deadhead start? What route was going to be used? That gives an idea of where to look. It also gets posted on facebook. The facebook page has over 7,600 members and 17,000 likes.


That is just a start. From there members share the information on their own pages. They will get an alert with a downloadable phone app. When I see it on my page, the first thing that I do is look it over. Will this truck and driver and I cross paths? If so I will take note of the truck description-company-ICC number-truck number. I will definitely keep an eye out. I will also share it.


Start helping go to their website and www.missingtruckdriver.org . Follow them on twitter. Like them or become a member on face book. I wish that there was no need for this organization- sadly, there is. I am thankful that Kari has taken action and I hope that we all help.


Thanks, Jeff



Comments (8)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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Great idea Jimmy-

December 24, 2013 4:09:22 AM

Absolutely a must have Facebook "Like" for anyone one the road, or with loved ones on the road. I receive and check all alerts that are posted to make sure I keep an eye out if someone might be around my area.

December 23, 2013 22:08:10 PM

Thanks really does go to Kari-and Allen nobody can know how much you have contributed to MTDAN and the industry as a whole.

December 17, 2013 7:13:34 AM

This is a great service to our industry !!! It is always a good practice to let others know where you are located at all times and even more important when your not feeling well. I have a buddy system in which we let other drivers know where we are located when we are not feeling well as to not worry our families at home.. This has worked very well over the years for me.

December 17, 2013 5:40:36 AM

Thank you Jeff for helping to spread the word. The Missing Truck Driver is an organization that everyone in the industry needs to support and promote.

Thank you to all the sponsors who are playing such an important role in allowing this work to continue.

Great article!

December 17, 2013 0:41:08 AM

This sounds like a wonderful network, it's just sad that it was born from tragedy.

December 16, 2013 9:11:49 AM

It was. We had a local family (and everyone knows everyone here) lose their son. He was missing for 3 days-just awful. I really credit Kari for getting this together. And this is "back in the day" truckers helping truckers-with modern technology.

December 16, 2013 5:35:09 AM

I am sure this was a very hard article to write. We have had one truck driver friend pass away on the road and we learned of this by accident. We overheard a conversation and realized it was a friend that we had not heard from in awhile. This is a concern for us as we have many truck driving friends, we know of their families names but no contact numbers. Our close truck driving friends we know of where they are at most times and where they like to park so if their is no word we know how to track them down. Some of our solo friends will call us to let us know if they are not feeling well and where they are stopping and parking. If we have not heard from them in a certain amount of time a phone call will be placed to the truck stop to have them checked on.

December 16, 2013 5:17:17 AM