Background longtime Team Run Smart followers Craig & Lauri that we are all finally able to meet in person and share a meal. |
When you're walking through a truck stop and you see another driver polishing their truck, stop and say hello. Most drivers enjoy talking about their truck and that is a great starting point as you immediately have something in common. When this happens, the door is opened to network.
If you are with a company that uses uniforms that is another opening. We met one of our good friends by passing each other while entering a truck stop. He was on his way out we were on our way in and I said " Hey, nice shirt" We spent the next four hours talking about our company, freight, and better ways to do business. Randy became a great friend and mentor. only because we said "Hi, nice shirt".
Facebook has also become a way to meet other drivers. Through the Women in Trucking Facebook page we are able to discuss issues and to read about others ideas to better our business. Some of these women and men we have been able to meet in person. We just spent a wonderful evening with a women and her husband that have their own authority and run the west coast. She saw our truck and messaged me on Facebook to see if we wanted to go in and have coffee.
Workshops are another way to meet people but take a little more effort on your part. Say Hi to your neighbor and ask a few questions as in what are you hoping to get out of this workshop and then follow up with questions after you receive the first answer. If someone asks a question that interests you go over and say Hi during the break. Don't be shy at workshops or something you have paid to attend getting the most for your money.
Docks are another good place to talk to other drivers. Probably one of the worst questions you can ask is "where are you going?" Instead say something about their truck or ask a question about securing freight if it is odd shaped. To get the conversation started say something about the weather. After the first question is asked the next questions come easier.
What do you do when you have broken the ice and realize this is not a person you really want to talk to? Sometimes people are negative and you quickly realize that the conversation is going nowhere quickly. Depending on your personality you can either continue talking to them and work towards turning the conversation to a positive note or excuse yourself and move on.
Starting a conversation on a positive note usually leads to sharing of ideas and is a learning experience. I am always amazed when I reflect back in time to the people that have changed our lives by a brief exchange of words and maybe we never see them again or we are still in touch. When talking to a fellow truck driver we start off with one great thing in common TRUCKS and most drivers like to talk about their truck or life on the road.