These days, it seems the negative things often get more publicity than the positive.  All too often I see headlines come across my newsfeed like, "Out of Control Shippers and Their Impact on HOS" or "Rates Crashing".  I will admit that I have been guilty of highlighting some of these things myself, but was reminded today that shedding light on the correct way to do things serves as a better example to those that fail to do so!

Although the concept of courtesy is far from something new, as drivers we often see both the good and bad when it comes to shippers and receivers we deal with.  Upon checking in for a delivery today I was reminded that not all of them are bad apples after all.  The front of the badge pictured here that I am wearing, demonstrates their commitment to working together with everyone on their property.  In case it's a little hard to read, it says on it "Treat Others Like You Want to be Treated".  This badge would only be a piece of paper wrapped in plastic, had they not actually demonstrated this in all aspects of my offloading.

As always, I arrived two hours early for my delivery appointment.  The guard was courteous enough to let me know that all three unloading docs were full and gave me a phone number to call.  I called and reached the receiving department in back and they took my number down to call when they might be able to accept me early.  Much to my surprise, The receiving clerk gave me a call not even an hour later notifying me to go ahead and check in with the guard for my door.  I received my badge with property instructions on the back and was unloaded rather promptly.  

For some this might not be too out of the ordinary.  I would imagine this is especially true for those that deal with the same customers all the time.  When all aspects of a transaction like this go as planned, I think it should be used as an example to the facilities not operating with such efficiency and courteousness.  We all know the facilities where we have experienced negative situations at, but remember that not all places are like that and that a great majority of shippers and receivers fully understand the important role the driver plays in the movement of their goods.

In the grand scheme of being an owner operator, it is important to take note when you encounter a facility like this that helps maximize your efficiency as a goods transporter.  I made it known to the receiving clerk how much I appreciated the way their facility operates and that I hope it serves as an example to many others in the industry that sometimes seem to wage war against the drivers coming in to pickup and deliver.  She said that I was welcome and that surprisingly no one had ever taken the time to notice.  Be sure to show your appreciation for the plants and warehouses that treat us well out there.  Things like a 12-pack of soda, a dozen donuts in the morning, or even a simple thank you can make a world of difference in helping them to continue doing the right thing and not become one of the less desired facilities to go to. 

Comments (3)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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We always use a thank you and shake hands. Get some strange looks from it never happens to them.

August 06, 2016 10:20:35 AM

Every place is different! Most are friendly and flexible.

August 06, 2016 0:04:09 AM

It is thrilling to watch a persons face with you give a sincere Thank You and you realize they are not used to getting thanks. It takes nothing to say please and Thank You and we need to do it more.

August 05, 2016 14:45:32 PM