Truckin' Runners Turns 5! The truckin' runners Facebook group turned 5 this spring. This summer we
passed the 700 member mark. We are a positive group. I remember the days when, I made sure that something was posted everyday. These day, I don't worry about that. Every day we read about others' accomplishments.
The group is open to anyone that touches the industry. If you are part of the industry, and are or want to be a runner or a walker join us. We would be glad to have you join us. Maybe we can help you. I know that you can help us.
It has been encouraging how members support each other. We
have a few terrific runners. We have a few who are just getting started, by walking. They are trying to get to walk a mile at pace, while others are trying to run 26.2 miles as fast as they can. Both ends of our spectrum take inspiration and encouragement from the opposite end. We all need motivation sometime.
We appreciate what Truckin' Runners has accomplished, both individually and as a group. Together we will continue to accomplish these goals. That's great. Hopefully we will all set and achieve goals. We can challenge ourselves as individuals, and grow as a group. Truckin' Runners has never set out to grow the group, by pure numbers, and never will. That is not the point. Growth should be organic. The point is to help each other. We are great at that. As we grow, more and more members are able to meet and run with each other. Our collective knowledge has grown as well. It seems any time, a member is looking for a place to exercise along the route, another member knows one. We are finding and sharing, more and more places. That's great. I hope that it continues to grow.
Last week, I learned that at least 3 truckin' runners will be involved with the Portland Marathon. That
made me think. Hardly, a major race goes off these days without a Truckin' Runner in the crowd. Every weekend Truckin' Runners are involved in community races. This gives us opportunities to represent truckers in a positive light. There are a lot of people out there who don't think very highly of us. Wear you Truckin' Runners shirts proudly. Brag about us! It could be that you will reach someone in the trucking industry who we could benefit from us. We can benefit from them. As a group, we have always benefited from each other.
We can do more that that. We can benefit the industry. I realize that many of us did not become truck drivers because of our charming and outgoing personalities. I am not asking anyone to knock on doors and evangelize. What, I am saying is to express pride in what we all do for a living. Too many outsiders don't see us as people. I am just saying to be human. Don't be afraid to talk to people. Runners seem to have a fascination with truckers. Put a positive human face to the industry. This we can do.