I think it was Zig Ziglar who coined the phrase "Windshield University" that describes the learning experience one can have as they drive around in their cars listening to books on tape, etc. As truck drivers, we spend a tremendous amount of time in that setting and
we have access to much more information and formats than in Zig Ziglar's day. I suggest we use our time and resources to our advantage.
As an owner-operator/trucking company owner, I'm always thinking about improving my business.
I've learned a more effective way to obtain new business skills and more importantly, business philosophies, while still generating revenue for my company. I've been listening to business and self-improvement podcasts for quite awhile out on the highways of America. This has been a wise use of my time to say the least.
Some of my favorites business podcasts include:
- Entrepreneur On Fire
- EntreLeadership Podcast with Dave Ramsey
- Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn
- Apps4Truckers
- This is your life with Michael Hyatt
- The Flipped Lifestyle
- Tim Ferriss Show
For entertainment, I like:
- This American Life
- The News from Lake Wobegon (Prairie Home Companion)
- The Fat Burning Man
I download the content from my iPhone before I go out on a trip. I have as much as 40 hours of audio content before I leave home. The radio in my truck has a USB
connector on it and I connect my iPhone and play the podcast through my truck radio. I also subscribe to Sirius/XM satellite radio and have seemingly endless choices in that format as well. I listen to the Road Dog channel often to stay informed of our industry.
By filling your mind with educational content during the long, sometimes lonely hours behind the wheel, you're really making an investment in your future. I have read that soaking up this much information is very similar to attending college courses on similar subjects. We're already sitting in the classroom, we might as well learn something beneficial instead of listening to our favorite songs over and over again.