August 03, 2013
Jeff Clark
Bicycling Capitol of America The Bicycling Capitol of America is truck friendly. Sparta Wi. is located on I 90 @ exits 25 and 28. There is a small truck stop at exit 28. I have always gotten a parking place there. There is a motel adjacent to the truck stop. The Super 8 motel off of exit 25 has truck parking and is less than a mile from the trail heads. The municipality offers free and ample truck parking behind the municipal building at 1134 S. Water Street. That is adjacent to the trails. It is the only city that I have ever seen that provides truck parking. The downtown area is only about a mile away, and there is even a trail there. The chamber of commerce is located at the convergence of the La Crosse River State Trail and the Elroy Sparta State Trail. Be aware that the state of Wisconsin does require a permit to ride a bike on the trails. The daily fee is $4. The annual fee is $20. The permit will let you ride on all Wisconsin State trails. Not all of our trails require this permit. The website to check is . It maps the trails that you will or won’t need the permit. Walking or running on all trails is free. The La Crosse Trail is a good 21.5 mile trail. It is a hard clay graded trail with some crushed limestone on top. I have seen road bikes on it. I prefer my hybrid. The trail is hard enough where if you want you can average a pretty good speed. I was able to average over 13 mph on my hybrid without encountering any problem with other riders or dangerous parts of the trail. It can also be easily accessed @ exit 12 in West Salem, WI. The trail is across the street from the Cenex Truck Stop. The Elroy Sparta Trail is an attraction. It is 32.5 miles long. It runs from Sparta to Elroy, WI. What draws people to the trail are the three tunnels. The longest tunnel is just under a mile long. Walk your bike through the tunnels. They are dark and spooky. You will need a good light. Water drips from the roof of the tunnels. Along the sides the water drains out. It is so dark that in the longest tunnel you won’t be able to see the light at the other end. Even the shortest tunnel is dark and spooky. That one is only about .7 miles long. It is located is about 8.96 miles from the depot. The trail is flat, but the area is not. The scenery around the trail is Wisconsin hilly. You won’t be able to average the same speed as you can on the La Crosse trail, but you wouldn’t want to. If you are into bikes, you must stop at Speed’s Bike Shop. It is on the trail and is about .7 miles from the depot. There is a retro bike collection that brings back memories of my youth. They also rent and repair bikes there. I had a leaky inner tube on my rear wheel. For $5 they repaired it. I also bought 3 tubes and two tire wrenches-all for under $30. Stop by Sparta, WI if you have a chance. A 2 hour break is long enough for you to get to the tunnel and back. Parking overnight in the municipal lot or the truck stop is no problem. If you can take a restart the motels are handy. Everything is close enough to be easily reached by bike. Check out for more info.
Comments (3)
Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.
January 19, 2014
Joey Slaughter
December 22, 2014
Henry Albert
May 02, 2019
Bob Perry
Oh yes, absolutely you can walk on it-also Speed's Bike shop is a short walk from the depot/trail head. They rent bikes. If you just want to walk-I would suggest stopping in West Salem @exit 12-The La Crosse Trail is across the street from the Cenex.
August 03, 2013 12:10:38 PM
Linda, The trail is actually a couple of miles from that truck stop. Your best bet is to come in off of exit 25. Turn in past the Super 8. Then turn left on Water Street. the municipal parking and the trail head are about a mile from that exit.
August 03, 2013 12:07:53 PM
Linda Caffee
Jeff we have been to that truck stop many times and struggle to find a place to walk. Can you give details on where the trail is located and if we can walk on it?
August 03, 2013 11:17:47 AM
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