
Good morning everyone. As I started out my week in the Pacific Northwest, we happened to have quite a bit of snow since the start of February. Well, just getting back on the road from my time off, I was dispatched to head back to Minnesota from Washington. Needless to say I thought I was prepared to take on the hurdle of winter driving.

Well, I was completely unprepared for the winter as I was expecting an easy run across. Fortunately, I had a backup plan with extra food and blankets on my truck so being stuck at lookout pass on the Idaho/ Montana state border for a few hours wasn't as bad as it could have been.

But in the short sight of things, always have a plan when traveling on the road by having a winter kit, making sure your chains haven't rusted so much that it's impossible to unchink the lines.

Also another thing I've seen drivers have instead of chains are an item called auto socks. I will be purchasing a set for my truck. Also, always check the weather ahead before assuming everything is going to be smooth sailing. I failed on that part but got lucky.

It might not be at the top of your list when you're leaving your family and heading out on the road, but planning for the worst case scenario is what will keep you safe on the road and get you back to the ones you love in one piece.

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David Morreau II

David Morreau is the Owner/President of Morreau Transport LLC and is currently a lease-purchase owner-operator with Holland Enterprises, based in Fargo, North Dakota. David pulls a 53' refrigerated trailer hauling temperature sensitive cargo across the 48 states for Holland Enterprises.

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