

As truckers, we should all take great pride in how our trucks look!  After all, our trucks are what many customers see before we can even step one foot out of the driver's seat.  For many of us, it may even serve as a giant billboard of sorts.  I see a lot of time spent on shining chrome, polishing aluminum, and dressing tires while at truck shows.  Often times I see though, that painted surface protection is not often considered a top priority in a lot of truck cleaning routines. Sometimes it is time consuming and tough in a busy schedule to get into a truck wash facility and spend all that time it takes to wait in line.  This is where protecting my truck's paint finish and a lack of extra time have led me to a simple, inexpensive product to help maintain that beautiful "new truck" finish without wasting any additional time waiting in a wash queue. 

While sifting through the many products in the detail aisle of my local auto parts store, I thought to myself "How nice would it be to be able to wash my truck while I was sitting loading or unloading?"  That is when I began to look through the quick-detail products that offer the ease of paint protection and cleaning without wasting time and water.  The one I have settled on recently was the Turtle Wax Clean & Shine.  I will be honest in saying that it is no "magic snake oil" for taking the elbow grease and sweat out of cleaning your truck, but it will allow someone to wipe a layer of protectant onto a dusty truck and then microfiber wipe it clean with another!  I have even sprayed it on a quite dirty truck in need desperately of a wash and had it come out with a "just washed" finish.

Even if you wash your truck all the time, this little tool in your detail box can work wonders for keeping your truck clean in between washes.  With the rain being unpredictable this year here in Southern California and many other parts of the country, I have been carrying a couple bottles in the truck to make my truck stay as clean as possible with ease.  Not to mention that it is nice to have for those quick detail jobs when I have to have my truck on display at truck shows!  I highly recommend spending the extra $5-$10 some of these quick detail products cost to help extend your wash intervals and help further protect your truck's exterior finish by adding a wax layer of protection against the elements!

Comments (2)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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Where's The Teeth

December 01, 2013


Lucas makes great products as well. I have taken a liking to their tire dressing spray by the same name as well. Gives a nice "wet look" and lasts well on the rubber!

April 19, 2017 20:06:36 PM

Great advise Jimmy. We carry and use Lucas Slick Mist Speed Wax on our truck.

April 17, 2017 4:00:34 AM