I always consider myself very fortunate to be able to attend the Mid-America Truck show every year at the Kentucky Expo Center in Louisville, Kentucky.  I have such a good time seeing all of my friends from all around the country that share in this great industry we all make our career in.  It always provides me a chance to get out of the truck and catch up with a lot of people I don’t get to see but maybe once a year.  Each year becomes a little busier for me than the last, as I try and immerse myself and become more involved in the trucking industry and try to promote what I think are ethical causes and values within the trucking industry.  This year, I saw a lot of great people and organizations doing a lot of good throughout our industry through their efforts and with help from this show.
Amongst all of the shining chrome and flashy paint jobs, which there were plenty of, there is also a lot of good being done behind the scenes.  As usual I hit the ground running, working in the Team Run Smart area, located inside the immense Freightliner booth.  It was here that we got to launch our new rewards program, which is a great way for every member to earn some great Team Run Smart gear just by interacting within the Team Run Smart online web community.  We had a great setup this year and the Freightliner show trucks looked beautiful.  Their paint schemes were that which reflected the color of money (gold, silver, and copper), representing the lowest TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) one can expect to see in deciding to purchase a Freightliner.  These were definitely something to drool over and our booth was front and center to the main attraction, a solid gold Cascadia Evolution!  We were able to meet a lot of great people who usually only see us in the “Pros” portion of the website and give away some great raffle prizes for new members signing up each day.  Of course my day wouldn't be complete without a photo op with the new Optimus Prime from "Transformers 4".
The Trucking Solutions Group health awareness walk was another highlight of my trip. During this event a group of drivers who were accompanied by Anne Ferro herself, the administrator of the FMCSA, went on a brisk and scenic walk to promote health awareness in the trucking industry.  We walked a route from the Papa John’s parking lot to the world famous Churchill Downs, site of the Kentucky Derby and back.  It was nice to get out on a brisk walk and see the city from this point of view.  After the walk it was nice to hang out at the Papa John’s lot and talk to some other drivers out there and hear about their anticipation for what was to come at the show.
On Friday, I was honored to be invited to a luncheon put on to select from the nominees the TA/Petro Citizen Driver Award winners, which I was nominated for as well.  It was here that I had the privilege of seeing my fellow Team Run Smart Pro friends Bob Caffee, Linda Caffee, and Henry Albert be awarded this prestigious award.  The list of winners was made up of highly qualified drivers that have proven to be the cream of the crop through their dedication to safety and giving back to the community and should be considered role models for the rest of us in the trucking industry.  Congratulations to all of those I was able to witness receive this distinguished award!
On Saturday, we witnessed the usual rush of people that the weekend brings, as the rain outside did not dampen the energy level for this fine truck show.  Even with a morning downpour, the show was still as lively as ever.  Fellow Team Run Smart Pro Jeff Clark was outside right in the middle of it doing ride-and-drive demos of the Cascadia Evolution, even when others were canceling theirs due to rain and threat of high winds.  His steadfast commitment and enthusiasm for showing others the “Evolution experience” of the DD15 and DT12 equipped Cascadia remained intact throughout the gloomy, wet day.  On this day I also got a visit at the booth from my friend Rick, who made me laugh when he brought me a bottle of TUMS to help with my “natural gas”!
As the announcement came over the PA system bringing an end to yet another year at MATS, I thought to myself  “Is it really over already?”  I meet so many great people at this event it is tough to think I have to wait another year for it to happen again.  Although it was nice to know I would be flying back home to my family soon, it is always as if I am leaving one family at the show to come home to the other.  This was another fun-filled Mid-America and I can’t wait until I get to do it all over again next year!  Until then, stay safe out there all of my fellow MATS junkies and keep on truckin’!

Comments (4)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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Every year there are a few more great people that we get to meet. Every year it seems to get a little busier. Lookin forward to seeing you again in Dallas.

April 05, 2014 21:54:57 PM

The pleasure was all mine. Thank you for stopping by. Hope to see you at GATS if you'll be there!

April 05, 2014 9:14:17 AM

Jimmy it was great to spend time with you and all of the rest of the PRO's at MATS once again this year. This event is like a transportation industry homecoming event each and every year. Its always a pleasure to meet old friends, make new freinds and find out what the newest trends in the industry are !

April 04, 2014 6:28:37 AM

It was great to meet you at the show, Jimmy! Awesome post about your experience too.

April 03, 2014 13:48:37 PM