We are Green Bay

Green Bay had a truck show this week. The NEW (northeast Wisconsin) Truck Expo was held at Shopko Hall and Brown County Arena this week, The show was Thursday and Friday. Thursday is the VIP day. We had 1,376 visitors to the show. Of course the Cascadia Evolution was the star of the show. I enjoy showing it off to anyone who wants to see it.

This is also a perfect time to show off the city of Green Bay. Any tour of the city has to include Lambeau Field. The show was held within view of Lambeau Field. The stadium and the Packers are publically held. We welcome everyone inside. The atrium of the stadium welcomes visitors to Green Bay. Inside it you will find Curly’s Pub, the packer Hall of Fame, and of course the Packer gift shop. The atrium of the stadium is used for many public events. If you are a football fan, this is Mecca.

Green Bay is more than the Packers. We have miles and miles of biking and hiking trails. The entire state of Wisconsin has many great trails. Many of them are within easy reach of truck parking. The trail that leads into downtown Green Bay is the Fox River Trail. It runs for more than 30 miles. It runs through the urban areas of Green Bay and De Pere. Once you get south of DePere it becomes a rural trail. You can park a truck on Heritage Road in the De Pere Industrial Park and head north into De Pere or keep heading north to Green Bay. The trail will take you to the Title Town and Hinterland microbreweries in Green Bay.  South of Heritage Road it becomes a rural trail

We have also become a running community. On May 19th this year about 11,000 runners will take part in the marathon and half marathon events. When “Runners’ World” magazine named the top ten US marathons Green Bay was included. It begins and ends at Lambeau Field.  You finish with a trip up the players’ tunnel into the field area and take a lap around, then finish off the run in the parking lot. A few weeks later about 18,000 runners and walkers will take part in the Bellin Run, a local 10k. On Thanksgiving Morning about 8,000 runners and walkers begin the day with a 2 mile walk or a 5 mile run. At the end of the run each participant receives a small Pumpkin Pie. Mine has yet to make it home.

Marathoners are also a community. Yes, the very idea of running 26.2 miles without someone chasing you may seem absurd to most truckers. Frankly, it is a little nutty to most within the marathon brotherhood. This year many of the participants in the Green Bay Marathon will purchase a wrist band. The proceeds will support the victims of the Boston bombing.  Before the start of the race we will have 26 seconds of silence to remember the horror at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. On this day we will still be Green Bay. But instead of saying we are Green Bay. On marathon day this year another city will be in our hearts and minds. So, as proud of saying we are Green Bay, this year WE ARE BOSTON!


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Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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