Staying healthy, especially while out on the road, can be quite a chore. It’s difficult to find time to exercise when you’re always in a different city, and constantly on the move. But it doesn’t have to be difficult! Many Truckers have found that bike riding is the perfect form of exercise for their lifestyle. It’s portable, fun, and great for your health.

There are many health benefits to bicycling on a regular basis. Cycling is associated with improved cardiovascular fitness, as well as a decreased risk for coronary heart disease according to It is excellent for toning your muscles and it is one of the few sports that are easy on your joints. It has also been known to strengthen your immune system, and could protect against certain kinds of cancers. Many truckers have found that cycling before or after driving can be relaxing. In one hour of bike riding, you can burn between 400- 600 calories. Cycling can also be good for your coordination and reflexes, and can help prevent restlessness while you’re on the road or trying to sleep.

So what kind of bicycle should you get for your truck? Well, it’s really up to you. The two main distinctions between bicycles that are great for a workout are Mountain bikes and road bikes. Do you want to fly like the wind at top speed? A road bike might be what you want. Want to head off-road into the woods, or ride on rough trails? A mountain bike might be a better fit for you. You should do a little bit of research into what kind of bike will work best for your body type and the kind of riding you’d like to do. Any local bike store should be able to help you pick out the bike that is ideal for your needs. But remember, you get what you pay for. A cheap bike will be a much lower quality than a more expensive bike from a specialty bike shop. Things like the shock mechanisms, and gear shifts may not work as well on an inexpensive bike. If you are unsure about whether biking is for you, try a cheap one first. This way you can get a good idea of whether you like it before you invest a lot of money.
When deciding where to carry your bike, remember to keep it somewhere that is easy for you to get to so you will use it! If you make it very difficult to get out you will be much less likely to make the effort. Also consider whether it is in a place where it will not get easily damaged or stolen. No matter what kind of bike you decide on you can always carry it in your trailer, or find a way to secure it behind your cab.

Recently, companies have started making foldable bicycles that may be ideal for your truck since they take up minimal space when folded.  Both Trek Bikes and Citizen Bikes have several models of the folding bicycle. However, it is also possible to partly disassemble a bike in only a few minutes, and it will still fit inside your cab easily.
Now that you have all your equipment figured out, it’s time to start riding. Almost anywhere you stop you can ride along the roads off the highway and through local neighborhoods. Sometimes it’s nice to get away from traffic and ride through the woods or by a lake. In most cities across the U.S. there are parks with trails specifically designed for bikers. A few truckers even got together and created a website with a list of safe places to park your truck and go ride. The website is called Ride&Roll. There are many trails throughout the Midwest and east coast.  If you’re in an area where this map does not list any, you can also easily look up trails in the area on the internet.

Biking is a great sport for truckers since it is so versatile. Not only is it portable and fun, it’s great for both beginners and experts. Staying healthy is important and bicycling is good for both physical and mental health. Give it try and tell us what you think!

Forms of Exercise What form(s) of exercise do you use to stay healthy while you are on the road?

Comments (11)

Kaitlin Cathey

Kaitlin works at ATBS with the sales team. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, from Thomas Edison State College in NJ. She was born in Colorado, but has also lived in Maryland and Illinois. Her favorite things to do are running, reading, and creative writing.

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I vote for a hybrid bike. We have very little access to Mountain Bike Trails. We do have access to several rail trails that are made of crushed limestone. Hybrids can easily handle this type of trail, while a road bike may not. I carry a hybrid in my truck and use it frequently.

January 11, 2013 8:20:43 AM

Walk,walk,walk around the truckstop a"few"times,toe touches multiple times,even situps right by your truck with a blanket or something on the ground...It all works,as well as eating salads/eating right

January 09, 2013 18:18:13 PM

Tai Chi is very good for a body with some mileage on it. I've noticed lesd joint pain, increased stamina, better flexibilty and better health physical and mental.

December 20, 2012 10:33:01 AM

I lend my willingness to excercise both on-duty and off-duty to the proven saying, "A body at rest tends to stay at rest, while a body in motion tends to stay in motion." With joints that crack and and soreness from unloading 30,000lb loads of tires and sitting in a truck seat for hours on end, I hate to excuse myself from physical activity only to have my muscles stiffen and get even more sore from inactivity. Being involved in motorcycling, snowboarding, and jet skiing my whole life has taken its toll on my body, but the best thing I can do is keep my body moving through the pain and soreness. After all, "What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger!" Not only does the physical activity help make me feel better (maybe even younger), but it breaks up the boredom we drivers can sometimes find ourselves experiencing from time to time on the road.

December 03, 2012 19:39:32 PM

I really miss riding my road bike from my days in the Coast Guard. Now I feel so bad and hurt all the time it's all I can do just to drive during the day. The thought of doing anything after work is unbearable.

December 02, 2012 8:06:29 AM

Among the many ways to stay in shape while on the road, biking is one that I see growing amongst truckers. It offers not only exercise, but a greater range in your off-duty activities. Parked in a remote area because of limited truck access in certain cities and want a bite to eat? Just jump on two wheels and explore. Having a bike on board provides mobility to get out into areas you might not readily access in your rig. I have personally taken a four wheel option and ride around on a 36" long skateboard. Not your conventional in-cab gear, but something that I have been doing to be active since I started trucking eleven years ago. It also doubles as a great way to get around during a day down at Huntington Beach! Whatever your method, being active will have you feeling better and healthier in no time! Bike (or skate) it up out there!

November 30, 2012 21:53:19 PM

I prefer a mountain bike because you are off of the roads and away from traffic. This is a great stress release for a driver who is in traffic on the roads all of the time. If you decide to raod ride you can always do that on a mountain. However, if the only bike you own is a road bike, you won't be able to ever ride the trails.

November 30, 2012 14:26:10 PM

I enjoy riding bike because of the low impact on joints.

November 30, 2012 6:06:23 AM

The site made by truckers is:

November 28, 2012 9:26:24 AM

There is an awesome website created by truckers for truckers to ride bikes all over the United States. Included in the web site is areas where trucks can be parked close to the bike trails. They also have ideas on how to carry bikes on trucks. We had folding bikes for awhile and found that we did not enjoy those bikes. The wheels were to small for long distance riding and in a short period of time we sold them and have not replaced the bikes. We prefer to walk for our exercise.

November 28, 2012 9:25:05 AM

Great tips! Folding bikes? What will they think of next?? I love to bike ride. It's such a great way to see new places. And it really makes a workout fun and fast, literally and figuratively! There is also a site called that will help you find trails and track your different rides. You can also connect with other bike riders on this site and do the rides that they may have posted. This works for running too.

November 28, 2012 9:07:02 AM