I don't have to tell you what the headlines are saying out there about health and wellness in America. You see it every day out there on the road.  Everywhere you look people are challenged with wellness and it's not just professional drivers. Our families, our coworkers, the people working at the truckstops and in restaurants, everywhere you look. 
The National Institute of Health Statistics claims that more than 50% of drivers are overweight and 50% have a higher prevalence of diabetes compared to the general population. I am looking to professional drivers to reverse the negative trend and the statistics of what experts have been shouting out to us over the last few years. I am looking to you to lead America on the road to health. If professional drivers can get healthy, then the folks sitting at home with all their luxuries can most definitely do it. 
So how do we solve this challenge of staying healthy while on the road? After talking with thousands of drivers, I’ve learned what tools you are looking for to help get healthy and stay healthy. We’ve learned what drivers are looking for in a wellness program: “a program that I can use out there on the road,” “a program that will travel with me when I head home.” You also shared what you don’t want and what hasn’t worked for you in the past: “I don’t have time for a program that is really for just office employees.”  And we have heard what you are looking for in on the road medical care: “I can’t pull my rig into a corner drug store, I need access to get medication and care.” 
Drivers, we designed a program just for you. We worked with a national network of partners to deliver a wellness program to work out there on the road, not behind a desk.  Our Driver Wellness Program allows you to track results and earn rewards. The Driver Wellness Toolbag is a comprehensive delivery of wellness services made just for you. No matter where you are on the road to wellness, we can help you begin logging healthy miles in no time. You are in the driver’s seat of your own health with this program. It is filled with custom wellness tools that are “driver designed and driver delivered.”

Take a peek under our hood to see what benefits you can receive with the Driver Wellness Program:

  • Receive a checkup every 30 days at one of the 1,100 Kroger Pharmacies to monitor your blood pressure, weight and sugar/glucose levels.
  • Receive free monthly access to over 1,800 truck friendly healthcare clinics throughout the US to receive screenings (weight, BMI, heart rate and blood pressure).   
  • Access to unlimited telephone health and wellness coaching available anytime Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. EST.
  • Receive a 20% discount off of all Rolling Strong nutritional products.
  • Receive $1 off coupons at PFJ Subway locations when you order one of the seven healthy subs with six grams of fat or less.
  • Unlimited access to the newest health check station to self-monitor health levels (blood pressure, weight, BMI, heart rate and vision)
  • Driver-only private personal online wellness site to track results and earn points to receive Rolling Strong gear.
  • Receive the Nutrition in the Fast Lane “Trucker’s Edition” book providing nutritional content at 3,000 restaurants.
  • Use a pedometer to track miles and calories to earn free rewards.
  • Receive grocery-shopping lists to help stock the driver’s cab.
  • Enjoy special savings on wellness services including 50% off gym enrollment fee at only Snap Fitness Rolling Strong Gym locations.
  • Receive savings on nutritional products, grocery items and services including E-Boost, Kroger and Bayer.

Why are you waiting to be healthyWhy are you waiting to be healthy? Visit http://rollingstrong.com/signup to learn how you can get on the road to better health and start logging healthy miles today! Remember if you lose 100 pounds or walk 1,000 miles you receive a belt buckle just like mine! Just ask fellow Team RunSmart Member Linda Caffee to show you her belt buckle. Way to go Linda!

Comments (7)

Bob Perry

Bob Perry is on a mission to educate drivers and share life-changing products and services to help professional drivers while on the road. Recognized as the Trucker Trainer™ by professional drivers nationwide, Bob brings a unique perspective to the transportation industry. As the President of Rolling Strong™, Bob provides the transportation companies and drivers and owner operators with in-terminal and on the road wellness programs.

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Pushups: Use the k-bar under the trailer that connects the landing legs. Prop your feet up on this and do pushups with your feet elevated, under the trailer for your safety.
Situps: Get a mat that rolls up. Keep it unrolled, under the mattress. Park in a place with nobody beside you and lay out that mat beside your tractor and hook your toes under the side fairing (to hold your feet down) if it is low enough. This should work with an Int'l. Prostar, maybe with other trucks.

December 20, 2012 19:40:25 PM

This is totally motivating to me as someone who does sit at a desk and truly great information. I applaud all the drivers out there who are working at improving their health. One step at a time is all it takes, but this would be a smart leap!

November 29, 2012 12:07:15 PM

Bob Perry has been a good friend of our group (Trucking Solutions Group) for some time now. He has shared much of his knowledge with us and we can all say that we are much better off for it. He truly has the health of our nations' truck drivers at the top of his priority list and in his heart.

Thanks Bob for all you do for truckers everywhere.

November 12, 2012 16:10:55 PM

I am trying to drink more water than other drinks and look for healthy options, but my downfall is rice and brown gravy.

November 11, 2012 0:03:46 AM

Bob this really hits close to home...I have been one of those drivers telling myself
I just don't have the time until I took a good look in the mirror and looked at what I was doing to myself..It is hard to find time to eat right and exercise on the road I now take more loads that are driver assist in unloading eat less and stay away from all the sweets. And that is a hard thing for me to do because their is not a cake,pie,candy bar I don't like. And all the travel plazas make it so tempting to over eat all of these things ! As someone who is always out to save money they tempted me with the " Special Offer" you know the one were you can buy 1 for $1.99 or a wheel barrel full for $2.22 now I just say no or don't even go down the isle where all the tempting treats are kept.

November 08, 2012 12:05:21 PM

Bob, great article! You have provided an excellent tool for drivers to to help them stay fit! I have spoken to many drivers and one of the biggest reasons they have to stop driving is because of health related issues. I sure hope they visit the site.

November 02, 2012 13:33:09 PM

Thank You Bob I am very proud of my belt buckle for walking 1000 miles in a year! I use the Nike app on my phone and it is very easy to track how far I walk and also how fast I walk... I learned the hard way I thought I was walking faster and further until I downloaded the app, I really was slacking. You bring up a lot of good points in your article on how difficult it is to exercise while driving a truck and driving team presents even more obstacles as the truck is almost always in constant motion. Using the truck as exercise equipment makes a lot of sense as the truck is always with us and it is easy to do a couple standing pushups when walking by the truck or step up into the truck and get back down a couple times before we take off. Keep up the good work Bob I have learned much from you and continue to do so!

November 02, 2012 9:28:10 AM