Did you know that roughly 125,000 men, women, and children are currently awaiting an organ transplant that could save their lives? Unfortunately most patients will never receive their lifesaving organ. Everyday 18 people die while waiting. Organ donation is very rare in the United State with only 0.03% of deaths resulting in organ donation.
April was National Donate Life Month. You might have seen local and national activities throughout your route last month to help encourage Americans to register as an organ, eye, and/or tissue donors. Currently more than 121 million Americans are registered as organ, eye, and tissue donors. Are you one of them?
Why You Should Become an Organ Donor
While no one wants to think about what will happen to them after they die, becoming an organ donor can save lives and comfort your grieving family. There are currently about 122,000 people on the waiting list today with a new name added every 10 minutes. Between 18 and 22 of those people die everyday. That could be your loved one.

Becoming an organ, eye and tissue donor isn’t hard. You might be one now and not even remember. Chances are you’ve known someone who has died in a vehicle accident. Their organs after death have the potential to save up to eight lives.
How to Become an Organ Donor
To become a registered organ donor you must either register with your state donor registry (if available) or through your local DMV. You’ll most likely get a little heart symbol to indicate that you’re an organ donor on your driver’s license. But don’t stop there. Just because you have indicated you’re an organ donor on your driver’s license you should talk to your family so they know your wishes. If something happens to you on the road or elsewhere, your family can serve as your advocate to ensure your wishes are granted.
Also Read: Three Myths About Eating Healthy on the Road
Many people are unsure of organ donation. It’s totally normal if you’re skeptical. Organ, eye, and tissue donation has the potential to improve and save lives. Most people don’t want to think about what will happen to them after their death, but imagine saving up to 50 lives with your organs and tissues. Your passing can bring new life to those who desperately need it.
Image Source - https://www.flickr.com/photos/markmorgantrinidad/