Probably the most challenging time of the year to stay fit is during the holidays. With holiday candy, cookies, and large meals anticipated, you should make an extra effort to get some exercise in. Here are some small steps you can take to help you navigate healthy exercise habits throughout the holidays. 
Start exercising by adding some cardio into your daily routine, which can be as simple as walking at a faster pace. Try taking a lap around your truck at a comfortable stride. On the second lap pick up the pace and hold that pace for one lap, then slow back down to your original stride. Alternate this pace for 10 laps. This is what's known as H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training). This will send your body into fat-burning mode. The concept of H.I.I.T. is to train in intervals at differing speeds. It's important to remember while doing H.I.I.T. not to allow your body to adjust to one intensity level. 
The benefits of doing cardio are outstanding! You will strengthen your heart, burn calories, increase circulation, and ramp up your metabolism. Check out the results you can achieve in just one year by making a few small steps towards a big change:

  • Add four 12-minute workouts to your daily routine. (Calorie burn of 108 = 432 calories)
  • Cut out one high calorie drink per day (Calorie burn of 200 x 7 days = 1,400 calories)
  • Cut out two slices of pizza a week = 460 calories
  • Total for the week = nearly 2,300 LESS calories your body will store as fat.
  • After one year this adds up to about 40 pounds of weight loss just for making a few changes. Wow!

If you need help getting started with an exercise routine for this holiday, please call RollingStrong at 314-717-1790. Our coaching team will be glad to help you! 

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Bob Perry

Bob Perry is on a mission to educate drivers and share life-changing products and services to help professional drivers while on the road. Recognized as the Trucker Trainer™ by professional drivers nationwide, Bob brings a unique perspective to the transportation industry. As the President of Rolling Strong™, Bob provides the transportation companies and drivers and owner operators with in-terminal and on the road wellness programs.

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