
Although there are many health benefits to doing so, which you can find by simply conducting an internet search for “alkaline water”, my motivation came from something far deeper than curiosity.  Having previously attested to the fact that alkaline water had lessened my dependence on over-the-counter ARD (acid-reflux disease) medication in two of my previous articles ("What's In Your Water" and "What's In Your Water - Follow-Up"), I wanted to find a cheaper way to get this great water that has helped me in many ways.  Always up for a challenge, I went to work researching the heck out of several sources to come up with a more cost-effective way to get healthy alkaline water, since store-bought brands can be a bit on the pricey side!


After switching all of my drinking water to alkaline water, I noticed a drastic increase in cost over just taking cases of water from Costco with me all the time.  I would always carry these bottles in the truck and keep them stocked in my fridge at home as well.  With alkaline water costing between $2-$3 per bottle, you could see how the price would add up quickly in comparison to my $3.75 cases of regular purified water.  After much research, I found a solution to my problem in Alkalife brand pH booster.  It was a way for me to get 9-10 pH water in a cost effective way, by adding it to my favorite purified bottled water from Costco!  Not only could I add just a few drops to my standard water bottles that I typically buy cases of at a time, but I could now also add about 48 droplets to a gallon jug and fill my own larger sport drinking bottles with it as well!  At under $15 on amazon for a 1.25-ounce supply of Alkalife, my cost for incorporating alkaline water into my regimen was drastically cut. 


I am not a medical doctor and can only speak from my experiences, so do not take my word over what your physician may say or against what your better judgment may be. If you decide to try out these, or other pH drops, be sure to research it thoroughly and take note of the body’s tendency to want to detox itself when starting the alkaline water switch.  Most of all, if you decide to share in this step to try and achieve better health, I hope you can share in the same successful results that I have seen in doing so as well!

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Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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