I was watching the news recently and saw the story about the Tennessee State Troopers using a big rig to enforce the law.  My first thought: that was quite a purchase for a taxpayer funded organization, but then found out that it was a truck seized in a drug bust. The truck is decaled up with "Tennessee State Trooper" all over it and even sports a blue light bar on top! Very cool, but how is a big rig being used to enforce the law?

How it works:  Two troopers are in the rig; one driving and the other is looking down and catching unsuspecting motorists playing on their cell phones or engaging in other types of distracted driving.  He then radios to fellow troopers who are working the operation and identifies the vehicles to be pulled over and ticketed.  From the looks of the operation and my experience in a truck for over 20 years, they'll have enough work to pull people over non-stop for as long as they employ this tactic.

According to the National Safety Council, distracted driving is quickly catching up to to other more well known causes of fatal crashes. 

Traffic Fatality Causes

  • Alcohol: 31%
  • Speeding: 30%
  • Distracted Driving: 26%

Armed with this surprising data, Tennessee has a mandate for acting boldly and employing out of the box tactics to enforce distracted driving laws that help keep us all safe.  Other states are watching this program so we may see similar tactics from other departments in the future.  However, if this "Trooper in a Truck" thing continues, I recommend they seize a fuel efficient aerodynamic truck in the future in order to save the tax payers more money!

Comments (4)

Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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I've seen this truck on I-40 twice. I think its a good idea. Now tell me how many times you've seen police cars pass you and their looking at their laptops or cell phones? Great article.

September 18, 2015 16:44:49 PM

I'm going through Tennessee tomorrow so I'll be looking for this truck.

September 18, 2015 16:16:10 PM

I think this is a fantastic idea and kudos to the Tennessee State Police! Yes they can get distracted truck drives too, they seem to be focusing on the main problem which is distracted 4 wheel vehicles. Distracted driving, following too close (drafting), improper passing, not giving enough room before merging back into the right lane, and the list goes on and on. This is a great tool and I hope more states follow.

September 16, 2015 8:31:28 AM

A great idea. but unless they are passing cars, wouldn't the driver be the one who is seeing the inattentive driving? I know that I see a ton.

September 16, 2015 6:36:02 AM