While we were attending the Great American Trucking Show (GATS) a friend posted this picture of their windshield and ice forming on August 25th, 2014.  The temperature was over 100 degrees in Dallas at the time that I saw the picture.  When I called them they said they had just left their home in Montana as it was starting to snow.
This is the time of the year when our truck is full to busting with summer and winter clothes as in the morning we can wake up to 100-degree temps and by nightfall be running on ice.  During this time of year I take clothes that can be layered and we can adjust quickly to the outside temperatures.
When we had our Cocker Spaniel "Molly" with us the challenge was even greater as she could not adjust to the extreme changes she was often subjected to daily.  Having a pet in the truck that needs to go outside makes fall especially tough so they can stay warm, as their bodies get ready for winter.  She also had the opposite problem when she adjusted to the cold and we would end up south and the temperatures where very warm.   She had a nice jacket for winter and when we were south the air conditioner was left on for her, as she was miserable. 
I pack extra blankets and store them smoothed out under the mattress in the truck.  They are easily accessible and out of the way until needed.  We have our winter coats with us but they are stored in the back of the cabinets and will not be brought out unless we find ourselves staying in the extreme cold. 
As I am packing the truck to leave out next time I will also pack our winter gloves, hats, and scarves.  Our shoes stay basically the same winter and summer.  We will be back home at Christmas and I will take out all summer clothes, as I know we will not be wearing them and they take up space that our winter clothing requires.
What I am not looking forward to is the mud and snow being tracked into the truck and sometimes it feels like an endless battle to keep the floors clean.  Shoes are taken off before entering the sleeper and this helps a lot.
We eat a lot of soup and stews in the winter so I will pack beans for ham & beans; I pack the ingredients to fix chili, and also vegetable stew.  This is my favorite time of the year to cook!  When it gets closer to Halloween I will buy a smaller pumpkin and make a pumpkin soup that is baked in the pumpkin.
Before we know it our truck will look like this and I will be prepared.  Rumors are flying that we are in for another rough winter with lots of snow.

Comments (8)

Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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I don't have an apu but what I do have is a bunk warmer that attaches to the mattress. Believe it or not this will keep you nice and warm even when it's only 10 degrees outside.

September 05, 2014 20:38:16 PM

Oops typo in my post, meant "solid heat". ( can someone advise me how we can edit or posts?) Those heaters also can be used to heat up food in a pinch.

September 04, 2014 20:52:17 PM

One suggestion from the guy up north, get a small catalytic heater that screws on the top of a small propane tank, same as what you would find at a camp supply store. They're designed specifically for space heating (ensure you allow for sufficient ventilation) and they throw solid head on frozen brake lines, maxi-chambers ect without the worry of open flame. It's a standard in my truck at wintertime up here in the great white north.

September 04, 2014 20:48:09 PM

I don't think you can be prepared enough for winter driving. I always pack up those little gel fuel cans just in case. I have made these before using isopropyl alcohol and soy wax. They work great and can be used indoors.

September 04, 2014 8:47:59 AM

Either way we will be prepared. I home that we are able to get home meow often then we did last year. We ended up staying away almost 4 months due to the bad weather.

September 04, 2014 7:21:02 AM

It's time to start preparing for old man winter . Thanks for the reminder Linda .

September 04, 2014 6:57:29 AM

Linda you Eternal Optimist you...

September 04, 2014 6:34:39 AM

Oh come on! We called last winter the test winter up here. NOT AGAIN! please

September 04, 2014 5:39:46 AM