I'm sure everyone reading this blog can vividly remember where they were when our nation was attacked on September 11, 2001.  I was asleep at home, having worked my usual night shift delivering gasoline for a local oil company where I live.  I woke up to the TV blaring from the living room and wondered why my wife had it turned up so loudly while I was trying to sleep.  She told me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in NYC.  I figured it was a small Cessna or the like, but then almost immediately there were reports of the Pentagon being hit and later, another plane went down in Pennsylvania.  It was clear that these were passenger filled jumbo jets, not Cessnas.

I remember picking up my daughter from pre-school that day, (she's 17 now) and watching the kids come out of the door, not having a clue as to what happened and not being able to understand it anyway.  I was soon called in to work earlier than normal as the terrorist attacks had caused panic all across the country with everyone making runs on gas stations.  The supply chain couldn't handle that and gas stations started to run out of fuel, therefore causing the situation to spiral downward, causing even more panic.

My life was directly affected from that event.  Less than a year after 9-11, my National Guard unit was activated for federal service to secure various strategic locations around the Washington D.C. region for one year.  A few years later, I was sent to Iraq as part of the "Surge" which was indirectly related to 9-11.  The events on 9-11 caused me to spend two years away from home in service to my nation.

I'll always remember the brave first responders in New York and Virginia who rushed in when everyone rushed out. They are the true heroes of that day and for awhile, our country was able to see who the important people were and how insignificant athletes, TV personalities and movie stars really are. 

I feel sorry for children who were born after 9-11 or were very young when it happened as my three children were. They never knew our country as it was before and it was a different place then. It was a better place then...

Where were you on 9-11?  Please respond.

Comments (8)

Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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December 31, 2013


I was in my apartment in Corpus Christi TX.

April 27, 2016 20:53:25 PM

Very interesting perspectives Beth and Darren. Darren, I hadn't heard of anyone logging into a webcam during 9-11. Thanks both of you for sharing your stories.

September 11, 2014 18:49:53 PM

I was dispatching that morning and when we heard the news, we tuned in the Empire State Building webcam. The view presented was one of the towers still smoking and on the next refresh the towers were gone...the whole office was in disbelief. My father called from home later that night telling me about how he was one of a group of people who was bringing basic supplies and food to the people stuck in the grounded airplanes at St John's Intl airport in Newfoundland.

September 11, 2014 14:49:14 PM

I remember standing in my apartment living room in Ohio with my roommate with our mouths hanging open, and thinking: "This is it. It's over. Everything's ending." I remember that fear and that heartbreak for all those that died. My heart aches today, still. A wonderful post, Joey.

September 11, 2014 11:53:03 AM

Wow, very interesting guys. Especially Henry who was an eyewitness to that day.

September 11, 2014 7:32:37 AM

Listening to the Don Imus show on my way to the dump. The eeriest thing for me was driving past O'Hare with no planes in the air.

September 11, 2014 6:42:35 AM

Delivering at the south end of the New Jersey turnpike . I will never forget that day . I had to drive by Washingron DC and could see the smoke rising from the Pentagon . I still remember the fighter planes flying around . Hope to never see a day like that again .

September 11, 2014 6:04:23 AM

Our youngest daughter was in her first year of ROTC at her school in Chicago when this happened. All of ROTC at her school was called in after 9/11and there was a frank discussion about what their future would look like in the service. Each one of those kids had to look deep into their souls to decide what they should do and each one of them made the decision to stay in the service including our daughter who is now a Captain in the Air Force.

September 11, 2014 5:29:48 AM