The Incredible Apple


An apple a day does not necessarily keep the Doctor away. It is a good start. It has no sodium and is fat free. Packed into its 100 calories or so, it is a good source of potassium, fiber, and several vitamins. Studies show that an apple a day among other things, can lower your LDL cholesterol by as much as 40%. Apples can actually help clean your teeth and freshen your breath. It certainly beats a candy bar for less money.


Apples will store well in your semi truck. You don't necessarily have to refrigerate them. I do. I like them cold and crisp. They make a perfect between meal snack. An apple is filling and can tide you over until mealtime while boosting your metabolism. We are told to eat 5-7 servings per day of fruits and vegetables. The apple is a satisfying choice.


You can buy apples almost anywhere. They have them at truck stops, grocery stores, and farmers markets. My favorite place though is the orchard. When it is apple season in Wisconsin, orchards are a great place to spend an hour or two. It is not unusual to see hayrides at the orchards. Many of our local orchards welcome you with a hot cider on a cool fall day. Spend some time there. Maybe even pick your own.


Their are as many ways to enjoy apples as there are apples. You can have apple sauce, apple jam or jelly, apple butter, apple pie, apple juice, apple cider, or as a special treat (for the kids, right) caramel apples. At night after the kids have had their apple treats, the adults can enjoy a glass of apple wine.


What is your favorite kind of apple? Macintosh, fuji, red delicious, jonathon, and granny smith are among my favorites. My choice is a honey crisp. It seems as if apples are grown everywhere and are always available and at reasonable prices. The Wisconsin Apple Growers Association will tell you that the best apples are grown in Wisconsin. I have a feeling that the Michigan apple growers may be one of several groups that may have an argument with that.


Everyday we are given choices. We can choose to eat healthy. You can buy a candy bar, or a bag of chips to snack on. You can just as easily buy an apple. As for me, make mine a honey crisp.

Comments (3)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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August 05, 2014


I look forward to apple cider.

September 25, 2014 4:51:38 AM

Love this, Jeff! I'm a big fan of apples as well (especially apple cider), and my favorite is also honeycrisp - super sweet, but not too tart. I just love this time of year!

September 24, 2014 14:36:45 PM

I was eating a apple whole reading this post . How funny is that .

September 22, 2014 8:53:43 AM