I am taking this week off. It has been a long hard summer. Don't get me wrong. I love what I do. I am a trucker and always will be. Getting to drive and show the Cascadia Evolution is a privilege. Meeting fellow truckers, and the public at the shows is a lot of fun as well as a learning experience. Writing this blog every 5 days lets me share what I have learned. As fun as it is, it all adds up to hard work that I wouldn't trade.
This Spring I suffered an injury that has greatly reduced my ability to exercise. All of my trucking life I have
been able to get away with less than ideal eating habits. I am a run to eat person. That is I run, walk, whatever and that has covered up my appetite. This injury is going to force me to change my habits. My weight has increased over the summer. My blood pressure has also increased. Prevention is better than repairs so I am going to make some necessary changes.
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about seeing a Doctor. This
week I will be seeing a nutritionist. Together we will put more structure into my diet. My injury is healing with treatment. It is not healing to the point where I am planning on running a marathon anytime soon, but there has been progress. Maybe this injury was the wake up call that I needed to get my eating habits more structured. It is my hope that this is all a blessing in disguise. In the long run I will be better off. It is up to me.
Mostly what I will be doing this week is resting. For me that is being on the river. We have a small pontoon boat. We also have a kayak. Add to that a deck, and a rocking chair and it all adds up to rest for me. It will be a 168 hour reset. The pictures this week are all from the river. It relaxes me. We all need to reset and reevaluate occasionally. This is my week.