Registered Dietician
Weight has always been a problem for me. Even when I was running sub 5 minute miles as a teenager, I was
the chubbiest guy on the team. When I took my first DOT physical in 1988, I flunked it. My blood pressure was too high. I weighed a little over 190 lbs. The MD put me on medication and I got back into running while I was in driving school. I dropped a few lbs. And got my blood pressure under control.
Over the next 20 years or so I added about 50 pounds. Medication kept my blood pressure within DOT regulations. My overall health was not good. My family history with heart disease is a red flag. I have lost 3 grand parents, my father, and my brother Chuck (at age 33) to sudden death from heart
disease. There has been a direct correlation between my weight gain and my blood pressure. It had gotten to the point where this sub 5 minute miler could not walk up stairs without breathing heavy.
Then I went to work for a company that delivered 3 floor loads a week, and paid me whatever the lumpers charged. It was 3 round trips per week. The customer was about 65 miles from my house and I did not go home during the week. There was a YMCA near the customer and I went there every Tuesday and Thursday morning. I started running. My weight dropped about 40 pounds and I was able to off of medication. Unfortunately that carrier did not survive the slow down.
Over the next few years I put about 15-20 pounds back on. I still ran, but without the consistent resistance training and 3 floor loads per week I had trouble managing my weight. Then this summer I suffered an illness related injury that prevented me from walking or running and I packed on the pounds. When I went to donate blood at the Red Cross I was rejected for high blood pressure. It was a wake up call.
It was time to make some changes. I met with a registered dietician and together we put together a structured plan of attack. The new plan is structured with planned meals that can be stored at room temperature. It has oatmeal, a low sodium soup, and a protein shake. My snacks will be fruits and vegetables. My daily water intake will go from 68 ounces to about 100 ounces.
Looking around truck stops, I see many other truckers who face the weight battle. Most of us are losing it. Excess weight leads to many serious health problems. If you are losing this battle, get help. Find a professional that you can work with. Explain to them your situation. Do you have a fridge? Do you have a microwave? How long are you gone? Be open with the professional and work WITH them! I will meet with my RD on a monthly basis. Follow up is important.
Take charge of your own health. We all face choices. We all have different needs, knowledge, and talents. I will keep you informed of my progress. This program is set up for my needs as a trucker. I have every intention of making it work. Over the next few months I will let you know more about the program, if it works for me. Remember though, we're all different. Get professional advice and get in charge of your own health.