The question is often asked, "How can you stay away from home as long as you do? " or "How can you stay focused and working for that many days in a row?"
We have several things in our favor and the first being that our oldest daughter lives, manages us, and takes care of our home. Without Nicki we would have to go home often to check on our property and pickup the mail. With the house and the mail problem solved we can out on the road for longer periods of time and then take a little more time off when we do decide to go home.
The decision to stay out longer was made years ago when we would try to go home once a month. Our time off flew by, first we unloaded much of the sleeper, next bedding was washed and but back in the truck, groceries were bought, and anything else that needed to be done to the truck was done. Before we had a chance to enjoy our time off it was time to leave once again.
Now staying away for extended periods that can range to over three months we have another set of problems. This summer we went home the first of July and were able to spend a couple of days floating around in the pool Nicki purchased, now a few months later when we go home we will be tearing down the pool and putting it in storage. We have left home once to come back and a new house had been built in what used to be a pasture. We have come close to missing whole seasons or only experiencing a few days of each season at our house.
I always have to be thinking ahead; what bills will be due, what kind of weather can we expect to drive or work in, do I need to repack shorts or long johns, and do we need better shoes as well as scarves and hats. This time we will have been away from home 2 1/2 months and we have been a couple places where there is a nip in the air. The chain law is also in affect in Colorado and we do not have our chains on the truck. It is time to go home and stock up on our cold weather gear.
This time when we go home we do not have plans of getting back to the house till the end of December so I will need to pack my decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and also Christmas. The decorations do not consist of much but they give our truck a home away from home look that we both enjoy.
If you plan to stay away from home for extended periods have someone check the house and the mail, consider the weather and how it might change, bring along small item to make the truck and sleeper homier, and always pack a great attitude!