It is a terrifying question to most and a reality to some.  What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and could not see anymore?  Although some cases of lost sight cannot be prevented, most can by taking preventative measures and caring for you’re your eyes properly.  Being a driver that wears glasses, I know first-hand the importance of maintaining proper eye health.  After all, without good vision or corrective lenses to enhance vision, a driver can no longer operate his/her truck legally.  I did have vision problems.  As a matter of fact,
I had perfect vision until I was in my late twenties.  At my last employer I was driving all morning then coming into the office for the remainder of the day to do payroll and billing in the office in the afternoon.  From being on the computer too much and not maintaining good eye health habits while on the computer, I developed a recently found condition called “college myopia”, which is a optometric term coined to identify young adults suffering from eye strain caused being on the computer for extended periods of time without taking the proper measures to de-stress the eyes.  In essence, the eyes forget how to relax and remain in a near-focused state
permanently, causing far-sighted vision to become blurred.
Just recently having my eye exam and having my prescription changed again reminded me of the important role a good optometrist plays in keeping me at my driving best!  I have two pairs of glasses, shaded for daytime driving to protect from the sun’s harmful UV rays (polarized), and a clear pair for night driving that have an added anti-glare coating to help with oncoming headlight glare.  Here are a few simple steps everyone
can take to ensure their eyes are at their very best:

  • Maintain your annual check-up with a licensed optometrist.  At least once a year, be sure to schedule a regular exam even if you feel you are already at your best and your vision hasn’t changed.  These regular check-ups also allow for adjustment of current glasses, the ability to change contact lens preference, and can help spot the early signs of other diseases such as macular degeneration and diabetes.
  • Eat your fruits and vegetables!  Yes, the old wise tale of eating your carrots holds true here.  Focus on foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, and omega-3.
  • Protect your eyes with shaded protection.  Be sure to get UV blocking lenses and it also helps to have wrap-around frames to block rays from the sides as well.  Not only do glasses help with harmful UV rays, but they can also offer protection when working with heavy tools or machinery, should something shoot out towards your eyes.  Hats can also be worn to further block the harmful light from reaching your eyes.
  • When working with computers or watching TV, make use of anti-glare screens.  Remember to also have proper lighting when using these devices.  Make time to look away and relax the eyes every so often to avoid continuous eyestrain.
  • Be sure to have clean hands when touching around your eyes.  Being an open mucous membrane, it can be a point where infection can directly enter your body.  Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before dealing with anything around your eyes.
  • Eye exercises can help build strength and relieve stress on the eyes.  What kind of exercises you may ask?  Something as simple as blinking can help to lubricate the eye, closing them for 3-5 minutes can help them to relax and relieve eyestrain, and looking at something green can help to relax them as well.

With all the daily strain your eyes go through driving around, or even watching TV or playing on the computer if you’re not driving, they deserve a break!  They contain some of the strongest muscles in your body and are some of the most important as well.  It is hard to imagine anything happening to one’s eyesight, but it happens everyday.  Do not take for granted the gift of sight!  Be sure to take care of it and help to insure that it not only stays with you for the sake of your career, but also to enjoy the many beautiful sights in the world there are to see!

Comments (5)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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With all the abuse our eyes take throughout our lifetime, the test of time is a hard one for them to pass. A lot of scary things can come of eye problems, such as Henry's scare with welders flash. When I first realized my vision was deteriorating, I tried the contacts, but with a slight stigmatism, it was not the most comfortable thing. Not to mention, even the best extended wear contacts began to really hurt when drying out around the tenth hour of driving. I would much rather prefer them to glasses though, as having something right there on my face becomes annoying sometimes! Not to mention, I am pretty hard on glasses and a typical pair lasts me only about 2 years before I have broken them or scratched them somehow.

September 21, 2013 8:34:00 AM

Good article Jimmy, and a good reminder for everyone as well. My vision was great until college. Then I got contacts. My prescription has been stable for the last 20 years, but now at 47 I have noticed my distance vision is blurry so I'm sure I will end up with a stronger prescription in the next couple months. I guess some of that just comes with turning into an old fart. Ha ha

September 20, 2013 17:42:08 PM

Funny how eye problems works. Both of our daughters had to have glasses by the time they were in 6th grade. Neither Bob nor I needed glasses till we were about 45 and those were only for distance. Bob's eyes are getting a little worse then mine now that we have reached 50 and he is needing glasses to read. Before to many years we will both be needing glasses full time.

September 20, 2013 10:13:02 AM

good advice Jimmy-My father went legally blind in his early sixties-it was a hard change for him. He took shrapnel from a grenade when he was a teen ager. Because of my dad I see an optometrist on a regular basis.

September 20, 2013 4:30:21 AM

This blog brought back a memory. Back in the early 1980's I awoke in the middle of the night with extreme pain my eyes and it felt like someone had filled my eyelids with sand. My parents took me to the hospital were we found out it was welders flash. Thankfully it did not cause any permanent damage.

September 20, 2013 4:27:45 AM