Solid entry level driver training and job skill development are both linked to a truck driver’s safety, well-being and good health. Our military veterans bring valued skills and strong work ethic to the table as mentioned in Don Neil's recent article found here. For those reasons, the St. Christoper Fund (SCF) announced that it will distribute a $10,000 trade school scholarship available to the men and women who have served our nation’s armed forces. Executive Director Donna Kennedy commented that, “With all that our military veterans have sacrificed for us, The St. Christopher Fund feels truly honored to be able to provide a scholarship to a veteran in need. We hope
this opportunity will provide one of them with the tools to succeed in the trucking industry.”
The SCF is now accepting scholarship applications for the TBS Factoring Service Trade School Scholarship until the deadline on November 30, 2013. The $10,000 scholarship will be awarded to one veteran whose intention is to learn the driving trade or advance their driving career. The recipient of the scholarship must show financial need and must demonstrate a desire to further her/his career in a trucking industry related career. You can find the application here. This scholarship program was made possible by a $10,000 grant from TBS Factoring Service, LLC, of Oklahoma City, a family business providing flexible cash flow solutions to independent truckers.
The SCF’s main mission is to provide assistance to professional truck drivers whose medical problems have led to financial hardship. By the end of August 2013, the Fund had been able to provide over $443,740 in financial assistance to more than 817 drivers. Assistance has been in the form of direct payment for household expenses, prescriptions, and medical bills. Follow this link to find out more about this wonderful organization and help spread the word.