If any one tells you cats are not sneaky let me tell you they are lying...  We first met our future pet in June when one of our outdoor cats had kittens.  There is nothing striking about an all black kitten except that he was small.  We left home in June and thought nothing of all of those kittens at home as they often appear around our house.
We went back home in August right after our youngest daughters Belgian Malinois came to stay with us while she is on assignment.  First thing we learned was that Wwitch loved the kittens, as they were awesome squeeze toys.  She never hurt them she just terrified them all but Squeaky who would stand up to her as well as he could.
Once again we left home without a thought of kittens.  We went back home in October and out of eight kittens only two were surviving.  The tiny little black kitten was very scrawny but still had his attitude.  He was not afraid of Wwitch and when she would come out of the house his little back would arch, his nails came out, and he would HISS and then she would lick him and he would fall over.  All of the rest of the cats except his grandma would run for the hills but not him.
While we were home we watched him struggle to get onto the porch and to survive knowing he would not make it through winter.  For some reason he also was not afraid of people this was odd, as we have learned over the years outdoor cats are not pets and we did not play with any of the kittens.  None of the other cats except his Grandma will let you pet them.  Ok his Grandma Betty also has attitude and was given to us as a barn cat.  She was spayed earlier this year and she thinks she owns the place. 
While I was sitting on the front porch, right before we were ready to leave Bob came walking down the drive and watched the black kitten struggling to get on the porch and out of his mouth came "Why don't we take that kitten with us?"  Wow, glad I was sitting down.  After some thinking of how a tiny kitten would disrupt our lives we were off to town to get kitten supplies. 
Worse then a baby was what I kept thinking, he needed a litter box, litter, kitty food, brush, water and food dishes, collar, leash, toys and scratch pad.  My gosh so much stuff for a cat that cannot register a pound on a scale.  Well he has several names from Spike to Squeaky to Sneaky and he fits all of them. 
Spike first got a bath and what a pitiful site.  We could really see how scrawny he was under his black coat.  He let us give him a bath without drawing any of our blood even though he did not like it.  He immediately used the litter box so that worry was laid to rest.  Next was putting him in the truck.  Would he get truck sick or do fine?  From the moment he got into the Cascadia he was at home.  While riding down the road he would eat, play and sleep from the first moment. 
The Hidden Mickey Cascadia truck now has a kitten and the kitten is here to stay.  In this week we have learned we are living with a small animal that loves attention and to have his belly rubbed.  He likes his toys and he still cannot believe his good fortune at having food in his dish and fresh water whenever he wants. 
We still have a lot to learn about kittens but we are reading all we can and we ask people who have cat’s lots of questions.  In a short week Squeaky has wrapped us and our hearts around his little paw.



Brandy & Wwitch as a puppy Wwitch wanting a treat

A short note about Wwitch.  Her name is pronounced "Witch." The double W is signifying she was from the W litter while she was in the military working dog program at Lackland AFB Texas. All of the puppies in her litter have names that start with W. So Walter would be written Wwalter, and so on.  Brandy got her as a puppy in the military working dog foster program.  Wwitch did not have the drive it takes to move on to become a working dog and the foster parents are given first choice on keeping the puppy.  She was first spayed and then has her official release papers from the military.  She is a family dog and loves people.  She somehow missed the memo that she is supposed to be a watchdog and not the official greeter.



Comments (8)

Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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Craig having a pet in a truck does cause extra work. Having a pet though makes the truck home and not just a place you live. This new animal in our lives though is a learning experience. One word he has learned rather quickly is no due to having squirt guns to follow through with. He also has learned he cannot get under our feet when driving. Having Squeaky to pet and to watch play is per goodness for the mood though. Hard to not laugh out loud when we watch him play.

November 10, 2015 6:01:41 AM

It's great that you found another companion! I know a lot of drivers and O/O's travel with pets, I just don't know if I could, but certainly more power to you! Nice article Linda and the pictures are great.

November 09, 2015 14:39:41 PM

Betty Great to hear from you! One of these days we will get back to Fort Mill to see you. That is great a Cascadiacat... Thank You for verifying that a cat even a little cat needs a lot of names that fit the moment. It is funny how fast that little cat has figured out how to get us to fill his food dish, fill his water dish, and also lift him so he does not have to jump.

November 09, 2015 13:34:15 PM

Aw she is adorable, so glad you got a Cascadiacat! I have a black cat as well, she was chosen over her brothers because when she was in the Shelter's cage, they were sitting on the bottom but she was hanging upside down from the top. Her name is Elly but she is also Elly Bell, Stinkerbell, Tinks and many more. Cats cannot have just one name!

November 09, 2015 11:01:47 AM

With the type of dog Wwhitch is she just looks at someone and if they do not notice the wagging tail they worry. One thing she REALLY likes is kids and it is funny how many kids are not afraid of her. She will do well with children someday. I also agree with big dogs. My favorite is a German Shepard and someday...

November 09, 2015 5:46:20 AM

Have fun with Squeaky. I think dogs should be big and friendly, like Wwitch. A good loud bark from Wwitch would make a great deterrent. She is big enough that she doesn't have to be mean.

November 09, 2015 4:34:28 AM

Yes the 3S cat has done a fine job of that. It is great to have a pet back in the truck with us.

November 08, 2015 14:39:58 PM

Looks looks like Spike Squeaked his way sneakedly way into the Caffecadia and into your hearts as well .

November 08, 2015 7:02:12 AM