Often, we get set in our ways and we say No when asked if we would be interested in trying something new or different we lose out on some fun stuff. There are often a lot of reasons to say no to a question, lack of funds to either be able to take the time off or to afford what is being asked, lack of time as something interferes, or we are stuck in a rut and cannot imagine doing anything different.
Before saying a resounding No, think of the opportunity, is it worth the time for the experience? Over the years we have been able to do some pretty crazy things that were well worth the time and effort. Some of the things we have been able to do paid off handsomely in the long run and others were just great experiences.

A few years ago, we were asked if we would be part of the crew for a bicycle team that was racing from San Diego, California to Annapolis, Maryland and once the race started they would not stop. Almost 3000 miles at about 20 mph following the bikes. We knew one of the riders and the team wanted professional drivers to be the main follow vehicle to protect them from oncoming vehicles. The support team consisted of about ten people who really did not know each other and we were all in very close quarters for about ten days. One of the dads was the crew chief and he had everything planned out and believe it or not everything went pretty close to his plan.
What an amazing adventure and while we were exhausted it was nothing compared to watching this eight-man team ride that many miles. We spent most of our time on back roads and there were a lot of rules we had to follow during the day and another set at night. Any mistakes on our part would cause the team to have time penalties. This was an experience of a lifetime and were we glad we said yes.

Bob just got to experience a dream that has been on his list for many years. He was asked if he could help for a week with an Indycar team. Dale Coyne Racing needed some extra hands and Bob was thrilled to be asked for his assistance. He was able to be in the pits for the practice sessions as well as part of the race till it was red flagged due to rain. He was able to talk to a few of the drivers for Dale Coyne Racing such as Sebastien Bourdais and get to know them a little better. To say his week was amazing is probably an understatement.
Another "Yes" was getting involved with Freightliner Team Run Smart. We have learned a lot about our truck and have enjoyed sharing what we have learned with others. Working with the Team Run Smart Pro's has been a great experience and something we are very proud of.

There are many more times when we have said “yes” to some pretty cool opportunities and were sure thankful we did. Another one that comes to mind is saying yes to becoming a trucker buddy for a teacher in France. Going to visit our class was a trip of a lifetime and we met some really fun students and were able to stay at our teacher’s house.
So before you say “No” think about it and maybe “YES” should be the right answer.